The Basilica Recreation Centre - Before and After •rr€t-w, *fKj> £} P-'f, B.Y.C. To Donate Part To Injured Player ABE ZAKEM B.Y.C. Manager T'ne Basilica' Youtii Club Hockey teahi; will donate pari of i he pro¬ ceeds of tomorrow night's, island League, hockey came against She Summerside Aces to: the injured Smnrncrside player Gerard "Joe" Bernard. It was U 'SthpH her? las? night. Barnard suffered a broken leg in s game in Summer-side asfm'ost the 3 V '.C. on Monday niffht .when he fell mm (he boards behind She - Y _C net. .,:■ ;. The injury occurred in:-the: first period as the vetsran Saumrnerside afhk-ie raced deep into B. Y. C, territory arid fell wJiiIe attempting to gel a shot away, oa the net. The injury wss a tots^h' blow' to both Bernard and the Aces. Tt will: keep Brfrmn-d out of work for; seibe: time and prevent him from] z-aln at feast duringtbis c* - V W ) I iking ; the announcement:: that they would donate: part of tlMt j proceeds of tomorrow :bight's- hoc.: ' the Sports A ran 3 to. Bernard B- . Y.C . affkdals released' the following statement: "The serious injury suffered by Cie.ra.rd 'Joe' Bernard is one that could happen to any player 3!. any time and the members of the B. Y.C club and team resrret very much,' that Bernard was unfortun¬ ate enough to suffer such an In- "While knowing thai:; the accid- i :ent was purely accidental the " R. iY .C, team members and officials wish to take this opportunity to pav .some sraall tribute to an. outsUnd j tag athlete who has done g great j deal for sport in this province? i : "We have always held Joe Mm- : iw&y-M high esteem as; 3 hockey i-player and a baseball player. His I hard fast ball has won many 1 a baseball game for SuramersidiS teams and his play as s forward in hockey has helped many Ssim mersidc hockey teams to champ- ieasMps- • "But above all his conduct on WALLY SHEFHERU , . B.Y.C. Coach / and Mi 'he ice has commanded our respect at all times. A clear, player who always stuck strict 15' to the .sport at hand dec Bernarc set a tine example for all athletes to follow, - "It is : with a sense of pride that we pay this tribute to:: a fear¬ less opponent... We shall :douate pari >f the proceeds of our home gam- against, the Aces here to¬ morrow night to Bernard and we will volunteer to play the Aces in an 'exhibition benefit came tor the rnjured player;at Summerside . ■ "How-s-ver our determination to beat the Aces tomorrow .Right and every other night we play: diem has not diminished and: should- Bernard be fortunate enough: to return to the lineup this season.:^ aj we hope he wiL be -hA' H cheeked as closely as ev. yeat him inn ■■ i-g .? • A picture accompanying the news article shows Wally Shepherd as the coach and Abe Zakem as the manager. I do not have a definite date for when the BYC ceased operation, but Fr . Corcoran tells me that it was still in full swing when he was assigned to the Cardigan parish in 1958. My hunch is that it continued operation until the Holy Name Hall was demolished to make room for the new Basilica Recreation Centre, which began construction in1962. 30