Dog 1R ituer.’ Fence Viewer Duncan Darrach Constable Donald Shaw

The .J’uts'tices 0f the Peace in whose neighbourhood the abome named Persons reside, are requested to take the earliiiecst opportunity of administering the necessary Oatlh;s to them as Fence Viewers and Constables.

By Order, Fade Goff, CC.

'3' Colcomial Secretary’s Oflice, VZFebtrrutary14, 1820,

Roma! and Highway Commissioners: Thomas Todd, John McPhey

Justtitces of the Peace: W.H. Hyde, Donald Lamont, George Dixon

Lama] and Tax Collector: ' Judson A. MacDougall

illitfa'ry Regiments: Malcolm Darrach, John Hyde, Lieutenants

‘Comtzmittee to provide food and seed: Thomas Kett

On tlhe following page is an example of a letter received by zum appointee, Robert A. MaCPhail.44