Dochsteeder Minstrel Show, 134 Dominion Network, 142
Dowling, Al, 95
Doyle, Jackie, 102, 135
Draegermen, Stellarton, 90
Duck and Bill, 70
Duffy, Mike, 170
Earle, S.N., 163
Early Birds, 107, 108
Ecum Secum, N.S., 15
Edison, Thomas, 18
Edwards, Commander, 56
Eiffel Tower transmitter, 69 Eindhoven, Holland short-wave transmitter, 69 Elphicke, F.H. Tiny, 153 Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, 104 Enterprise Foundry Ltd., 118
Fanjoy, John, 94
Ferguson, Walter, 99
Fessenden, Reginald, 13, 18
Fiddling Contest, 95
Fiedler, Arthur, 99
Firpo, 30, 31, 92
Finley, Lorne, 124, 142, 147, 161, 162, 168 Fitzgerald, T.L. Babs, 70
Fitzgerald, Bill, 70, 134
Fitzgerald “Flo”, 70, 72, 115, 134 Flemming, 18
Fraser, Murray, 122
Foster’s Dance Hall, 53
Fowler Commission, 154
Frigon, Augustin, 125
Friendly Voice of the Maritimes, 3, 84, 123, 143, 161 Friendly Voice Magazine, 85
Frizzell, Marjorie, Preface
Fullerton, Jessie, 133
Gallant, Alyre, 95 Gallant, Father Theodore, 163