Index Dochsteeder Minstrel Show, 134 Dominion Network, 142 Dowling, Al, 95 Doyle, Jackie, 102, 135 Draegermen, Stellarton, 90 Duck and Bill, 70 Duffy, Mike , 170 Earle , S.N. , 163 Early Birds, 107, 108 Ecum Secum, N.S. , 15 Edison, Thomas, 18 Edwards, Commander, 56 Eiffel Tower transmitter, 69 Eindhoven, Holland short-wave transmitter, 69 Elphicke, F.H. Tiny, 153 Encyclopedia of Music in Canada , 104 Enterprise Foundry Ltd ., 118 Fanjoy , John, 94 Ferguson, Walter, 99 Fessenden , Reginald, 13, 18 Fiddling Contest, 95 Fiedler , Arthur, 99 Firpo , 30, 31, 92 Finley, Lome, 124, 142, 147, 161, 162, 168 Fitzgerald, T.L. Babs , 70 Fitzgerald, Bill, 70, 134 Fitzgerald "Flo", 70, 72, 115, 134 Flemming, 18 Fraser, Murray, 122 Foster's Dance Hall, 53 Fowler Commission, 154 Frigon , Augustin, 125 Friendly Voice of the , 3, 84, 123, 143, 161 Friendly Voice Magazine, 85 Frizzell, Marjorie, Preface Fullerton, Jessie, 133 Gallant, Alyre, 95 Gallant, Father Theodore, 163 183