Kilmeny of the Orchard to a given point of inquiry through all the bewildering mazes of old Robert’s con- versation. “ Away up yander, half a mile in from Radnor road, with a thick spruce wood atween them and all the rest of the world. They never go away anywheres, except to church—they never miss that—and no- body goes there. There’s just old Thomas, and his sister Janet, and a niece of theirs, and this here Neil we’ve been talking about. They’re a queer, dour, cranky lot, and I will say it, Mother. There, give your old man a cup of tea and never mind the way his tongue runs on. Speaking of tea, do you know Mrs. Adam Palmer and Mrs. Jim Martin took tea to- gether at Foster Reid’s last Wednesday afternoon? ” “ No, why, I thought they were on bad terms,” said Mrs. Williamson, betraying a little feminine curiosity. “ So they are, so they are. But they both happened to visit _Mrs. Foster the SO