LIST OF NEW FICTION 3 A CAVALIER 0F VIRGINIA By G. E. THEODORE Rosnars, author of “Hemming, the Adventurer,” “ Captain Love,” etc. 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by Louis D. Gowing $1.50 . Theodore Roberts is one of the younger writers of to-day whom the critics have been watching with interest, as he is a borln story-teller and the possessor of an unusually fine literary st e. 3The scene of his present story is laid in the old chivalric days of colonial Virginia, although part of the action takes place upon the high seas, and the scene shifts for a short time to England, Spain and to the unsettled parts of North America. The story develo s the boy and girl love affair of the Cavalier and a typical Sout ern beauty, Isobel Dariza. The characters are admirably drawn and the reader follows with breathless interest the adventures of Francis Drurie, the Cavalier, through his stirring adventures on land and sea. “ A Cavalier of Virginia ” is easily the finest story Mr. Roberts has yet given the reading public, and is assured great popular success. THE COURT OF LUCIFER By NATHAN GALLIZIER, author of “ Castel del Monte,” “ The Sorceress of Rome,” etc. With four illustrations in full color by the Kinneys . $1.50 Mr. Gallizier’s new book, completing his Italian trilogy, of which “Castel del Monte ” and “ The Sorceress of Rome ” have already been published, is a brilliant historical romance woven around the famous and notorious Borgia family, the main theme touching upon the perfidy and cunning of Cesare Borgia, that brilliant and unprincipled son of Pope Alexander VI. Mr. Gallizier has chosen a most interesting field for his his- torical romances, and in his new book he tells with vividness and dating of the glamour and stir of the old days in Rome, the corruption of church and state, and the subsequent downfall of “ The Imperial City.” Of “ Castel del Monte” and “The Sorceress of Rome ” the critics have written as follows: “The author displays many of the talents that made Scott famous.”—- The Index. “ There is color, there is sumptuous word-paintin in these pages; the action is terrific at times; vividness and 'fe are in every part; and brilliant descriptions entertain the reader and give a singular fascination to the tale.”—Grand Rapids Herald.