:r-\s N. F ^itxeuu Work In addition to daily chores there was an abundance of work in the broader sense. Farm labor followed the regular cycles of nature: cultivating, planting, husbanding and harvesting in general. Much of it was of the back-breaking type and one was greatly relieved when each of these tasks was completed. The pace was slow as nature took its course, teaching many lessons to those who would listen and observe. Sunrise and sunset, the phases of the moon, the four seasons, the starry skies, the wind and rain all pointed to the hand of a wise creator providing for his people who over the centuries have observed and been guided by these same elements. On a farm the worker saw, touched and breathed these generous gifts of God. Besides work on the farm, other kinds of labor slowly began to intervene. In 1946 polio struck the Island and forced a delay in the reopening of schools and college until early October. Down in Lewes the County Construction Company with its gravel pits and crusher needed a replacement for its summer checker, Francis Bolger , later Father Bolger, who had just left. For whatever reasons, the job was given to me for as long as the schools were closed which turned out to be roughly a month. It was my first such working experience away from home. At daylight each morning I was able to hitch the six-mile ride with a neighbor and all day my work was making out slips for each load of gravel leaving the premises which involved measuring the depth of each load to determine the yardage. The measuring tool was a makeshift round iron with notches filed on the side