A, I I I I I I I I I H a H H H H H H H H H ' , ,‘ ‘ p . . > - ‘ \. ,_ '_ THE TOKYO INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES TRIAL-THE LONGEST IN HISTORY, June 3, 1946—Nov. 4,1948. Indictments were issued to 28 leading Japanese-25 were found guilty. 7 sentenced tO-death, some are pictured below. \ M M” .4 Gem ISZe/k/z/ko flJ/Jéi - Ge); IWaz/z‘o (Ia/”K?! Wrmai‘o " “ I , _ . , , , , , 2mm] Six/made flagged Hgflggd \ z/f‘e Imp/Imminent Z/‘fe Imprisonmexzt ., __.... hug,“ :n’Ma‘l‘fiEI-a‘. 641/. 365-y'12'0 0777825! 5 8M 3840 Ara/Ii Ere/gflMh/fle/ Jga QC”. Kala/aki K0230 I ,L/f'e [mgr/sonmafi t 11/ f6 Imprisonment -~ .2 0 years -- £176 mem'wmrrazrzf‘ flare were féree general caéeyomés under Wife/z fire (tic-9X78 776' 53 war crx'xm mm were z‘r/ésa/ : chm es of warden 6/727766' Gaga/>73: padre ; and crimes 595/ 2655' jaw/(5727i 25y. Itagazfl 78/” examp/e, W425“ CMV/(L'iea’ of atroc/ ties againsfi paw/78m 4f We)" and Muéo wit/7 Mara/er 6274’ 32* t/a/ re epoxy/Z/Vz'éy for we - ‘fieape of Wankzfiy ”. 27/056 6‘6)? $62766 a’ 2‘0 deafi/y were 2527986! 52” Zbkyo (s Saga/270 Prim/7. >55 Mick/Z0, 69 727/74 mannered 7778/? - Wiose pass/’0” was mar/I76 bio/09y. 35' wasjudgred Inca/0a,??{e of . Maw/kg war d’fld gram ted 127727721121 ty. EMPEROR HIROHITO ~>,':~ ,