Don’t miss an item or a section on this page 17 ‘Look at these Prices ar efully BELT HOSE SUPPORTERS 0. 73 — Ladies’ Belt Supporters, black or red, ascut...... 25c 7 see! Dress Shields, per Re rece 1 Be 1—Dress Shields, col- or white, ~ washable, eepair......... 25c he . 21—Black or White Hose Supporters, infants’ n's, misses’ or ladies’; specially priced for. = order customers at, per pair.......... 1 Oc 0 Stocking Darner GES No. 416—Stocking Darn- er, varnished wood, correct shape. Brice, OC No. 4)—/-inch Black Rubber Combs.......- 8c No. 48—-Hair Curlers, large size. as cut, each 1 2c | m — ya sNo. 42 Sinch Rubber Comb, black or 4 9 Gaeta. No." 58—Cushion Cords, 37yards’ long’ with white, BRROI. U5 Fess. sees oben cate cu c BrCGi 6; 6 tassels, in red, white, black, navy, moss, brown, TT TT pink, aky, gana yhite. eon nod Frere Seat Te, gold and white, rose and pink, and re Pocket Combs............ 10, 15 and 26 nd green. Price Riots 3 tee 1 9c ‘es ‘ re and gi e ea 54-inch Bone Hair Combs............ 1. 1s Be sees No. handle, Each No. 119—Hair Brush, real ebony back and handle, best quality pure white bristles. Qe Each ae ee WEE 113—Hair Brush, white or white and black bristles. 2 5 c imitation ebony 27—Ladies’ Belt Hose Supporters, black or color- ed, as cut, extra good value, ah CRON ir, « shad oh oe 15¢ Holman’s Guarantee Satisfaction Saal Holder at —— No. 636—Handy Spool Holder and pin cushion.. 1 5c Collar Supporters No. 13-Celluloid Collar ._ Supporters, black or white, with rhinestone or jet, 2, 2% and 3 inches rhinestone settings, sorted designs. H300—A popular style Hair Band that is being used great extent, shell or amber, Each... 20C toa long. Per oat. cis. 15c No. 671—Spiral Collar Supports, 4 on a card, black or white. card silvered and one , . Women’s Thimbles No. 49—Women’s Steel Thimbles, Price, each....... No. 50—Celluloid Thimbles....3c No. 52—Box of 2 Thimbles, one eee seeeeccccce c BGs 50 chee ee 5c “hildren’s Patent Belts Jo. 80--Child’s Patent Belt, dip in black, white, brown or ME WGQON ..- 2. coc cesescrecsce 1 Oc Yo. 100—Child’s Patent Belt, straight prs“ black, brown or ane 0 c colored per rl. “ MULBERRY ” TOILET PINS No. 86—Mulberry Pins, in white, black, nile or pink Per package 3c No. 87- Card Tablet, Price... No. 88—Globe Toilet Pins, in white or black. Per DAORARG HCl. ick cadet aee debe ess. 34 3 Cc No. 90—Belt Pins, white or black. Per ETON A Cos 3 GRETA SW ER 0 0 89 5c No. 91-—Cube Toilet Pins, black and assorted WOE vs ib Scbilnre + has satis Gap eke aac +308 5c Toilet Pins, in 3c coarse and fine, black or white, assorted shape white, all coarse or coarse and fine......... No. 43—8-inch Rubber Comb, all coarse or 1 5c HOLLOW BAC Sac No. 44—9-inch Rubber Comb, black "O5e a ‘ a = = < s 3 2 No. 45—Fine Tooth No. 46—Fine Tooth Comte, in pack or Cnn in ba or white, sizes 3 white, size inch. Each..... 1 Oc inches, Each..... 5c medium, or dark brown HAIR NETS 209--Hair Nets, with elastic in light, medium or dark brown. Each..... Danger pied 5 210—Hair Nets, with elastic in light, medium or dark brown. Two for... ......- 5 211— Hair Nets, with draw thread in light 5c Each, :3i9 estes a08 100—-Turban Pins, in shell or amber with rhinestone set- ing. T forts -#01s SOC 110—Turban Pins, shell or amber, rhine- | stone setting. EPION Ss)s vdeo 5 2 Oc H900-Gcod strong and stylish 9-Bar Barrette, made of ¢ polished shell or amber, strong clasp, Bach... 2... 10c TURBAN n hook and cateh nook and catch. shell or.amber.. . 2 Oc H400-4 Bar Barrette eat shape, good and finished with 120—Turban Pins, in plain shell or amber, assorted patterns, wonderfully good =? 5 c Wer WO LOR 5 Sag diss cilia eon Boece sees No. 20—4-Bar Barrette, in shell or amber, si 3 x 4% inches—a very popular style, as cut. Bach. Jsc' :oueeac ye da.are ek aca a hae fa 12¢ 913~—5 Bar Barrette, sheil or amber, polished finish, strong hasp and catch; this is a plain nest style that is popular Fach 20c No. 59+-Shell Hair Pins, as above cut, card of four pins 5 c 108s 3s eaqeaeers No. 58—Shell Hair Pins, as cut, card Pereard. ». 10C : ne ye ae H110—Plain Bar Barrette, shell or amber, finished with strong hasp and catch. Each... 5c