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‘6 x T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916

PET SQUARES --- All Sizes and Prices

C340—Particularly high class Seamless Tapestry Squares which make a very dependable covering, of good appearance, service and good value, extra quality material with deep pile, and strong body, finished in semi-persian and neat scroll designs; brown, green and fawn shades predominating, with Eastern colorings very nicely interwoven.

3x3 yds. $12, 3x3 yds. $14, 3x4 yds. $16.

C330—A very special value in a good serviceable quality Tapestry Carpet Square, squares of this quality generally sell at considerably higher prices. This is a standard quality, made of good material, evenly woven, makes a very desirable line for parlor, sitting or bedrooms. These squares are shown in the season’s newest patterns, including browns, fawns, and greens with contrasting shades effectively used. The color combinations are harmonious and in keeping with the digni- fied taste. The quality, appearance, and value for the money will surprise you. Order one with the understanding that if it does not come up to your anticipations, you may return it to us at our expense.

Sizes 24x3yds. 38x3yds. 3x3iMyds. 3x4yds,

Prices:.....+. $6.75 $8.50 $9.75 $11.50


C716—Reversible Jute Square, a very inexpensive floor covering and one that will fill every requirement for a covering at this price. Colors brown and green; fawn and green; or two tone green.

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Mine 216 =O FU, ik Sock, RRS $3.50 Sikes-3 xD yadede.s 5 sees. AME $4.25 Bisés 3.x BYE yards te A $4.75 SisaaS 54 yards ie eth iB As $5.50


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C18—22 inch Tapestry Stair Carpet in very attractive two color combinations in colors fawn orgreen. Price per

VOLa eer ee cc ee 60c

C19—27 inch Tapestry Stair Carpet, comes in colors fawn and green; a very durable and <i) serviceable quality. Price

Bi A oe 65c

C20—Good quality 27 inch wide Stair Carpet, colors fawn and green, or red and green. Per yard...... ie 70c

C22—Brussels Stair Carpet, 27 inches wide, extra fine quality, colors browns or greens predominating Pins, er Baad iii So eh 1h so deggie eddy ea $ 1 .40


Neat and Attractive

298—Brass Binding for -Oilcloths and Linoleums, %{ inch wide. Per iyard 26.65.65 Gee oo oie ieee suc


C64—A very superior quality Axminster Hearth Rug, in beautiful assorted patterns, colors browns and greens. The pile is rich, deep and lustrous, making it a particularly choice floor covering. Size 60x27 inches. Each..... $3. 5 0

No. 210—Tapestry Rugs, in attractive designs, shades of green or fawn; good quality and value, plain ends ,27x54 inches. Price. . $1 . 5 0

No. 120—Tapestry Rug as above, but larger size, measuring 27 x60 inches, excellent quality and value; of attractive appearance, and will give good service. Price..<:./.s-.s.+ $1.75

SPLENDID QUALITY VELVET RUG No. 140—This is an especially good quality Velvet Rug, 75 fawn or green shades. A quality, style, and size that will; 2 eI give good satisfaction. Size 27 x 54 inches. Price.........

finished with rich deep soft pile, beautiful assorted colors in, AXMINSTER HEARTH RUG BS 2 75 =

(igo a eee ae ee et

C62—Hearth Rug, with fringed ends; finished in hand- jome assorted orien” tal designs and col- = orings. This is a line that will com- bine beauty with

me—=s 60 x


C712—Stencilled Japanese Matting Rugs, plain centres with colored border, asso. rae er eaten quality; sizes * inches.

Price, each........ sho canteen 3 5c

C713—Japanese Matting Rees assorted color combinations includi ng TIC ogy le yr Ak? ye serviceable qu: , neat attrac- tive finish, 27x64 ins. Price... DOC As above, but size 36 x 68 ins. Prids stehi cca sxc ceccusriep’ oe 60c

C714—Stencilled Japanese Matting Square, with plain centres and fancy borders in assorted patterns, shades of fawn, brown, and green. “1S 90 3x3 yards. Price each...... .

in in,


C715—Stencilled Japanese Matting Squares in oriental designs, superior quality and finish, attractive and serviceable; colors red, green and fawn; fawn, green and blue; or fawn, green

andbrown. Size3x3 yds. $2 25


SETIOG Sco ncuisicea senor ees C718—Japanese Matting Squares, in shades of brown, green and rose, Size 3 x 3 yards. Exloe. GORGE des 0c Sc wane ueinniee aia $2.50 C112—Here is a real bargain in As above, but size 3 x 4 3 25 Japanese Straw Matting, strongly | yards. Price, each......... $ .

C719—Stencilled Japanese Matting Squares, oriental designs in colors fawn, green and blue; or colors fawn, red and green. Very pope patterns in well woven materials. Size 2x3 yards. Price, each.... $1 25

woven of good quality cotton warp, assorted shades, 36 inches wide. PONG sks ous ocean cei oes 1 7c C113—Japanese Matting in carpet patterns, colors, green, red, navy, or brown, 36 inches wide—a clean eco- nomical floor covering. (Mats and runners to matchabove) Per yal 9c

No.727—Good heavy quality Rubber _ Mat, a fancy a pattern. with strong corrugated face.

Size 17}4x30 ins. “Price... .. $1 .00

C791—Rubber Mats, fancy moulded pattern, heavily corrugated, good and

No. 729—Heavy quality Cocoa Out- elgg = 14 x 253% 50c ae Done Wat, tens emer talehs | a, anova; bat nies a a0 extra large and serviceable. It will inches. Price, QIGEN « 5 n a8s0:ulbca hiote 90c

ie csssetueh Senet 25

C792—Rubber Stair Treads, 6 1 Sise 21x34 inches. Price... 5c

x18inohes. Each........5+:

¢ A - + A : * * ® . * 3 ey


C110—Good quality Brussels Carpet Squares, made in new color combinations and designs, small effects still popular; good quality material, heavy closely woven back, and finished in such a manner as to give good appearance and service. Effective shades of fawn, brown and green, artistically relieved with touches of Eastern colorings, semi-Persian and two-tone effects, which blend with any furniture.

Size 2}{x3 yds....$12.50 Size 3x3 yds...$21.00 Size 3x3 yds...... $18.50 Size 3x4 yds.....$24.00 Whip ONG 84 Vda. Si Oks. ss 5 ates Pea ee $31.00


C220—Wilton Carpet Squares, including the season’s newest patterns and designs. These squares make a very beautiful and serviceable floor covering, and will give every satisfaction both as regards appearance and wear; shades of fawn, brown, and green predominate with just sufficient touches of Eastern coloring showing through to add to its attractiveness. This square is also shown in two tone colors, a surprisingly high-class square at the price.

Size 3x3 yds...... $30.00 Size 3x4 yds.....§$42.50 Size 3x34 yds...... $36.5 OSize 334x4 yds... $49.00


C52—A very good quality Tapestry Rug at a_ special price. Made in an attractive range of patterns in si of green. Size 27

iach. $1.18

C54—Door Mats, size 12 x 30 inches; sorted colors. Each

C56—Door Mats, size 12 x 30 inches; unfringed, assorted

colors. (Mats and Runners to match). Our price, OURS 5 8 eee aa Oe SES, CR ee 75c

6 D Mat: ize 16 x 30i » fri Seictad cotars ane” + ochenalynied codes (in) 15¢

C919—Special value Door Mats, fringed; size 12 x 32

HONOR. POG 69.0.6 v5 «wasn « HOHE AMTT Ls HEL BEE ©

_ C929—Door Mats, better grade than above; size 9 x 27

inches, fringed. “Price ¢ 3.07233, PMS Ae ee 20c No. 130—Velvet Door Mats, in assorted colors and designs,

excellent quality and finish, soft deep pile; size 12 x 30 inches. Pride, 4 SS 7 5c, Size size 17x 35inches 1,25.


We are showing a particularly high-class range of sugges- tions in Imperial Wilton Pile Squares, Rugs, Hall Runners and Door Mats. These are made up in sets to match, and will be found particularly new and attractive. Sizes 3 x 4 yards; 3 x 344 yards; 244 x 3 yards; 3 x 12 feet; 3 x 9 feet; 36 x 63 inches; 27 x 54 inches; and 18 x 27 inches. We shall be pleased to forward description and prices on application