The Holman Guarantee of Satisfaction Covers Every Exigency
M761—The Victor Hornless Gramophone is an innovation in sound-reproducing machines; it is compact and convenient and occupies practically no space. The quality of the tone is at all times under full con: of the operator and can be varied to suit the class of music, the room, or the taste of the operator. .The cabinet is made from oak, handsomely polished, made with 10-inch turn-table, exhibition sound box; Victor tapering tone arm and ae eee ee pas fae: er ion <5 wide, door front; inches deep, 7 3% inches hi carefully boxed and poe freight prepai
to station in Quebec or time
Provinoes..cs-cens sapeinansl thc} $21.00 Other machines ranging in price from .
to$200.00. Send for our ancl eae 9
rerenty. 1.00
Any of the following “Little Wonder” 534 inch Records for, each.......... Diora iets aon sinek 15¢c or seven postpaid for................: $1.00 State number and subject when ordering. 1 Quartette—"It’s a Long, Long Way to bi nue J re Qua: iw.
rtette—‘Where the Red, Red Roses
Ww. 3 Duet—“At the Ball—That’s All” 4 Solo—“Ben Bolt.” 5 Solo—‘‘Follow the Crowd.” 6 Solo—“Tip Top Tipperary Mary.” yi 7 Solo—‘Believe Me if all those Endearing Young Charms” . 8 Solo—‘‘Little Grey House in the West.” 9 Solo—“My Wild, Wild Irish Rose’’ 10 Solo—‘*Where the River Shannon Flows.” 11 Solo—“Old Folks at Home.” 12 Solo—*The Rosary.” 13 Solo—“Silver Threads Among the Gold.” 14 Instrumental—“When the Angelus is Ringing”’ 15 Medley—Popular Airs. 16 Medley—Popular Airs.
GRAMOPHONE RECORDS A big assortment always on hand. 10 inch Double Side...............e000e 12 inch Double Side................... $1. SPECIAL NEEDLES LOMROR. ia 5s. Sk sag dias he 300 for...
1,000 for. ste Write for special Record Catal
© a os
AIn= ainio ean
f] fl f] f] f] fl
(PSS S]]2]2] 4223 ]]S]2S2S]S]3]]2]]S 55]
No. 886—The Triton ere is the most adaptable, the lightest, the strongest, the sweet- est talking machine of its kind, and the biggest value in America. Its symmetry of design, sim- plicity, compactness, and clearness of tone are features that are sure to be appreciated by any Prospective purchaser. The scientific shape and construction of the sound box and machine produce a full round tone, well formed words, and accurately timed music. The entire absence of any harshness is one of its characteristic features. Made entirely of metal in a beautiful lus- trous enamel finish, reinforced, and operated by a simple, powerful, noiseless motor with an im- proved type of speed governor; supplied with 100 perfected dise needles, will play any size record, may be wound while in operation; finished with nickel trimmings; size 11 x 13 inches, weighs but six pounds. It can be easily and conveniently carried on excursions, visits to neighbors, pleasure trips, and will supply music for home, picnics and parties. The Triton Phonograph is guaranteed for one full year oa should last a great er years with any care. This is the most inexpensive home entertainer on the market—will play all kinds of music, your choice of any kind or quality— pea: gure comedy, instrumental music with a swin, to it, sacred music rendered seriously, are all within the possibilities of this Phonograph. FRE with each machine we include six Little Wonder 534 inch records including “It’s a long way to Ti erary’’ and eniprerary Mary’ the others supplied to make a variety, all popular. The Titon Phonograp and six records carefully packed and shipped delivery charges paid to any railway station in the 12 8 Maritime Provinces or Quebec at our special price.........csececececececececnce ‘ $ . 9
No. 886B—Carrying Case, will conveniently carry the Triton Phonograph and at -east one dozen records; made of imitation leather, reinforced throughout. Price....... $1 . 50
Amati Model VIOLIN 5:25
No. 45—Amati Model, full ebony fitting, scroll and neck, the body is of brownish amber with a dull finish. These Model Violins are exceptional val-
nicely cut
ue in medium fil il Jews priced violins.... $5.25 . fl 7 i Harps VIOLIN STRINGS, IN GUT } fl M775—Jews = meee ood Pr, ct hay Abe ee ’ Qc aS i Wetter cant ose cas Re fy sh ois GCG, Sirings, can. Bg eS, os hc oes. 10c r er i M776—Jews’ Harp, neat frame, WeOID. TUOME. 255. Ji ta sie. . bi... 5 and 10c fl] file cut tongue, sweet tone. Violin Tail Pieces............ 12 and 15¢ ll fi BBW. ib csk Ts cttise Pew) '5s 003 10c ae tices on. Be pin eee ° 1 ae Now = de mee above. lars 5 c VIOLIN STRINGS, IN STEEL _ F sa M37S—One of our biggest value ered ot Sa: pies E. Strings, ea...Q5¢ A: Strings, ea..... 5 a Violin, the back is made o D. Strings oo. OBe G. Sines ee... 1 Oe) trevies lamed "oanla "tov. wy sweetly | WE GUARANTEE SSS] eh eee UST 0 Teas ste eer Ted El ABSOLUTE f] We pay Delivery Charges il neat shapely neck and seroll, popular fl i] on $10.00 ORDERS fj ee eae od
PSS] ]2]]]2]2]2]S3S235
{i M639—M outh fl Organ—a good in- fj
OUR SPECIAL VIOLIN A splendid Instrument at
the Price 64°
strument at the price........ 10c
M640—M outh Organ, a popular sweetly toned in- strument. Price...
0 M641—M outh irgan, — superior quality, clally
toned reeds; sweet
Price. --."-3DC
M44—Accordeon, oak finish case and mould- ings, open action, nickel keys, 6 fold double bellows, has 10 keys, 2 stops, 2 sets reeds, bellows box neatly finished with leatherette in black and old, nickel corner protectors and clasps. $3 4 5 WOOO ss RCRD « oped oe dae b'v acca bah .
L105—-Ludevin Pine Tree Special, guaranteed, steel bronze reeds, ebonized case and eae: open action with nickel keys, 2 stops, 3 sets reeds, has 8 fold double bellows, box in green leatherette with nickel corners, well finished through- $ 5 7 5 out and exceptional value at........... .
No. 55—Amati Model, made of selected maple with one piece in back, and finished in a beaut dark red color, highly polished. Tail piece and finger board are made of solid ebony with rosewood keys, fine scroll; beautifully finis! 411 2 5 throughout. Price.........6..s000: .
No. | 18—Stradivarius Model Violin, nicely finished, neatly shaped. A surprisingly $3 95 good instrument at the price........... .
No. 2—Violin Case, made of wood, finely finished in black and red, hooks to hold renga 6 5 7
UD es ccicvccocsecedeeeeee ateebne seer . No. 2, with clasp hooks Sdteate. Prion... -v2ossauttaercn sol 0D
Violin Bows........ Se Feet: eee $1.25 POPULAR OLD STYLE FLUTES =e
M626—Tin Flute, six keys, easy to play— 5 popular old style. Price........:...eseeeees Cc
M627—Nickeled Flute, six keys, sweet pak Mee sos ese 10c
tone,floud and clear.