R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916 SURFACE OAK DINING SET "22" 9 7 5, a Ph HH Hk PY PP | PG PP Fs Ps Ps Pf Exceedingly Every Piece Genuine Well Finished SURFACE OAK > j Can you find the equal of this value in any other catalog or any other store in Canada? We doubt it } very much. We believe it the biggest value in the broad Dominion. What do you think? You are the j judge. We guarantee the outfit to be exactly as represented in every respect, and will cheerfully refund the purchase price in full-in any case where any customer should consider it otherwise. he a ks a Bk Ps Ps ps eg sg Ps PE F66—The Sideboard is made of seasoned hardwood, finished F67—6 ft. Extension Table, figured surface oak, has five in very pretty figured surface oak; has large double top, two massive legs; of substantial construction; fitted 40 WIER ‘CAstorgch FRING, vs, su5 emesiemiioacaiiela die tees $6. display shelves; two small drawers fitted with brass pulls, one full length linén drawer, two cupboard doors; 13 x. 22 F68—Surface Oak Dining Chairs, panel back, box 1 2 0 inch British bevel plate mirror; 19 x 45 inch top; handsomely front, solid seat, braced back. Each.............. $ . carved and polished; fitted with castors, Freight F69—Surface Oak Dining Room Suite, as illus- OS ER Sida ea dalie 84 oS ais «nS ca weeds $1 2.50 : $24.58 trated, eight pieces. Freight paid. Price....... | FREIGHT PAID IN j EASTERN CANADA — ] a el a F66—Sideboard as above, aU) Freight Paid. Price 12.50 High Quality Low Price (Pel SS]]]]]5]S]]]]555]| Beautifully ,, Carved A WONDER AT THE PRICE a 124 F972—Buffet, made of selected kiln dried hardwood in an at- tractive surface oak finish, nicely polished. This Buffet has two cutlery drawers, full length linen drawer, and two commodious cupboards with doors, finished in a plain effect; fitted with a heavy British bevel plate mirror 10 x 32 inches; table surface measures 20}4 x 44 inches. Freight paid to your nearest rail- F301-Rich and attractive Surface Oak Sideboard, has 46 x 20 in. shaped top, tine top drawers; one full length F342—A magnificent Surface Oak Buffet, 21 x 45 inch double top, massive pedestals, 10x 36 inch British bevel plate mirror; 2] 2] S22] ]H3]HaSHaHaaHaHaHS]_a (ane SaaS SSS = Sere ne ; serpen' has two half length drawers, one full length, and one short drawer, way station in the Maritime Provinces or Quebec. 1 2 0 0 and two short drawers,one of which;is K one of which is lined for ee ieee ” nents all doors and IPEIOS 0's. ss oka cede teen aey ss Mca. tee $ . fete Haga for catiensts 16 ed ate if é drawers fitted with brass pulls; has French legs, beau- ritis vel plate oval mirror. Freig! a fifully band rubbed polished finish. ‘Freight paid..-- 916.7 0 | == eee] | Pie”, Devel plate oval mirror. Freight - 916.75