Remember we pay Freight on $10.00 Cash Orders SSeS =]Se5], Golden Oak Rocker | 2.98 | No. F012—Rocker fi with solid oak nicely GENUINE Quarter Cut Jak Rocker Massive in Design and Construction No. F045—Genuine Quarter Cut Oak Rock- er, nicely polished; fin- ished with roomy roll seat,shaped apron front, turned spindles, mas- sive construction, well balanced rockers — a marvel forthe money. Price $3 . 8 5 PSS SSSe]]3]]==]=]=]=5] Substantial @ Surface Oak ocking R Chair 355 No. carved back piece, gold- en oak finish; nicely turned legs and spindles, : in every way superior 0) ea $2.98 i has cobbler seat, and is F353—Surface 425982] ]]2]]]]]]2]) fl Oak Rocker, with roll pom of | seat, massive turned | rel } fl spindles, wide arms, i Look ] rat 2 | .85 Bish back, a shaped + ry! } nel. fi . A | Price... SoaeD . t] Good Value | A BARGAIN lbeSSSEESSSEHSSsSSsaas ARM ROCKER re (besSsHSSSSeSSSSeeSsa=s Good Quality F838—Arm Rocker for lawn or veranda, double rung, turned standards, wide arms, slat. back, F294—The highest quality Cobbler Seat splint seat; color F837—Lady’s Rattan Rocker, | _A00—Full size Rattan Rocker,|fancy but substantial Rattan red. Our nicely shaped and plaited, assorted | Parlor Rocker, seat and back F121—Special value Solid Oak |price.... $1 . 90 neat Construction, attracelye designs, comfortable seat and back, | skilfully woven, finished with | Rocker, finished in golden, has cobbler finish, wrapped arms and | made with continuous roll, we!’| continuous roll arms; nicely meat, panel as ye dng ve (pietee ¥F839—Arm Chair, as standards, strongly finished. A rare bargain trimmed apron front. Gsitectiss Plarncd bere pee above, withont rock- woven. Price...... $2.75 ORE Ty Ae Ea ae $3.35 BIOS 34 v8. ee $6.60 MOET Paes Vie oasis be $3.1 5 Jers. Priee $1.75 Bedroom Chair Children’s High-Class Furniture Child’s Kindergarten Set $1.°75 F936—Child’s Kindergarten Set, consisting of table and two chairs; made of selected hardwood, strongly built, legs neatly turned; size of table top p 8 inches; height of org 75 seat from floor inches. Three pieces..............- A RARE BARGAIN CEDAR CHEST Assorted Designs s . 9 0 Mp ym cmt es rs oe cemsems rm ermnaef 90c F54—Bedroom Chair, sur- face oak finish, highly polished, cane seat, strong construction; box front, As above , picture. Price...... $ 1 . 6 5 F55—As_ above with rockers. Price.. $1 . 9 0 Order One! | i i Cedar Chest, or bedroom box, made of 34-inch red cedar, with rattan in assorted designs; is strong and will not warp, top, nicely padd ing elements. covered with Japanese matting, trimmed has bent brass hinges and castors, panelled led. An excellent place for storing and preserving furs from moth and other deteriorat- F049—Sise 15 x 28 x 1544 inches. Price... .....6....5 ec cece ence eect ease 22:88 POROemeee 17? % 34% 17 inohés. = Priog.(. . cic ee occ w occu eactres -$5.8 F124—Child’s High Chair, with tray as cut, very attractive, surface oak finish, beautifully carvedpanelback,neatly turned spindles and legs fitted with foot rest; is rigidly braced and sup- partes. A high class respect... $1.65 Child’s Rocker No. 801—Child’s Rocker, made of hardwood in an atrractive golden finish; is nicely shaped and sub- stantial. A rocker which, owing to its construction, is especially suited for children, comfortable yet very serviceable. Price..., 90c