Freight Paid on all $10.00 Orders in Eastern Canada 93 DINNER AND TEA SETS PRICED RIGHT A VERY PRETTY SEMI-PROCELAIN DINNER SET—EXCELLENT WARE SSa.35 No. 170—Dinner Set, made of best semi-porcelain with heavy white glaze. It is artistically decorated in a pleasing floral design, in shades of light and dark green, every piece is well shaped and is a very ser- viceable set. It consists of the following pieces: 12 cups, 12 saucers, 12 butter chips, 12 tea plates, 12 soup plates, 12 dinner plates, 12 fruit saucers, 1 fruit bowl, 2 platters, 2 covered vegetable dishes, 1 gravy boat, 1 bowl, 1 pitcher, 1 pickle tray. Price for complete set............. $8.3 5 No. 711—Best English Semi-Porcelain, in neat rose pattern, every piece is stippled and gilt traced, good clean white ware with heavy glazing. Is one of the best values we have ever offered. Consists of 12 cups and saucers, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 dinner plates, 12 tea plates, 12 soup plates, 1 slop bowl, 1 gravy boat and tray, 2 vegetable dishes, 12 fruit dishes, 1 10-inch platter, 1 14-inch “latter, 1 covered sugar bowl, 1 cream pitcher, 1 8-inch salad bowl. Price..... Maras ant $1 1 . 90 ae) Stock Pattern Dinner and Tea Ware No. 786—Heavy Semi-Porcelain Ware, clover design, ASSORTED with gold trimmings, pure white body. - PIECES 6-inch Plates, per dozen............. 1.10 7-inch Plates, per dozen....... 20 8-inch Plates, per dozen... 3 oO 0 Soup Plates, per dozen.. AHHH oh cd el t Saucers, per dozen. 55c Vegetable Dish (covered) : c Sugar Bowl, (covered)... i c Oatmeal Saucers, per dozen -95c Bowls, each.. c Jugs, each......... c Platters, 10 inch, each. -33¢ IAGLORN yee AGN, GOD, o's 5 5. cd's o'b vc oc oh Dee -50c Platters, 14 inch, each...... Spano cea ae 70c Cups and Saucers, per dozen..............$1.20 COTRVY TIONUN, OORT ca Gh. <p 6 obra Fac ck oi vu 0 28c - BUTTER DISH C10—Butter Dish, neatly decorated, with teers gilt tracing. Price catkins... Ltt ATTRACTIVE CUSPIDOR C767—Cuspidor, fancy shape, finish- ed with neat dec- orations and gilt tracing; colors pink mae Bae C12—Berry Set, consisting of seven nicely shaped and richiy finished pieces, neatly decorated in assorted patterns and colors. ‘Large 8-inch bow! and six dishes—a com- erp intuap betes me. idence ii OOO No. 837—The above picture accurately illustrates a popular 42-Piece Tea Set, made of semi-procelain, in a very pretty glazed surface; an attractive floral pattern in wreath effect adds materially to its attract- iveness; colors pink and green; the piecesare neatly shaped and the set isin every way one that will give good service and satisfaction. Price..............:.. bye. AON aes eee s ae Ra a lbve $4.1 5 C421—This is a 42-piece Genuine English Tea Set, with neat decoration of pink and green edges. Handles elaborately traced in bright gold—an exquisitely dainty and decidedly high class set OM Pee ea Var cs ns GEE EOS e ros oc ec cecee et 'ne ce eelinte ke RUC ME $5.50 ~~ No. 937—A”charming new design 97-piece Dinner Set, ‘‘Koya! Kylston’’ pattern, made of fine quality semi-porcelain ware, smooth, clear finish attractively shaped handles, neatly shaped pieces; colors green, red, and gold; finished with effective band; border of spray trail, and floral design. This is a stock pattern for which additional pieces can be procured at any time. Price, delivery charges paid Loe 7 0 0 Ob sc cetecesacnse Od nin Sa bok hi die 64g ba Ske Wh Pes UE CIA to 0 0's « <s 9 0 bie Re aM Ome CREO ONO uaT a s No. 938—42-piece Tea Set, same pattern as above, per set........... we Dara a ablad keeles ae --+- $5.50 (In the above set cups can be supplied in either Kermes or Ovide style.) CHEESE DISH [ieee arctcnnae aa rte searmcaera sins ! = Egg Cups : | Egg Cups, white and gold stripe. Reversible, per dozen...... 75c Ordinary, per dozen........ 25c On dior. : Sake ale. doliatenss « 5c¢ Rs rs rs es os es pa ts Pgs PS: No. 101—Cheese Dish, p!ain white with gold iine sails shape asctitza.7, OC l l l l l