R. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916 HOW DO THESE VALUES APPEAL TO YOU? [PSSSSS2S]S2SS25255) UNIVERSAL ! TABLE LAMP 50c A Big Value G21—This Universal Table Lamp is very special value, the broad base is madé in gun metal finish, has crystal fount and fitted with large sise burn- er and chimney. Price, (22223 ]]]2]82]]33]>=2 $1.99 | $2.25 AnEngraved StandLamp No. 50—An eeecmmeliy A POWERFUL LAMP READING LAMP For Hall or Store FM i SCAR SESEesaad) PARLOR LAMP attractive Lamp with brass 50c No. 26—Parlor Stand G16—This Rayo Read- bowl, stand and base neatly No. 48—A very satisfactory house, complete............. engraved. It is fitted with a ing Lamp is a very Superior lamp at the price, has nickel base and fount, cir- cular wick—gives a soft, Lamp, with an 8-inch decorated globe, fount to match, fancy cast foot finished in rich store or hall Lamp, brass fount and cen- tre draft burner, 200 candle power. This lamp will fill the requirements (Pes SS22222222]22]S]2]]5 No. 2 Rochester center draft burner, 75 candle power. It has an 8-inch engraved globe old lacquer, large size | bright light, making it and is guaranteed to give whullulrone teks te b roe entire satisfaction. trong lig! required. siaiss Pe te pe ea tk, Price, complete... .. $3.50 Fitted with tin shade. Price $2. 97 chimney. fine lamp at the price. f] f] f] ll t] f] f] lj {] f] fl 0 f] f] (] f] l] f] 0 ll f] This is a porcelain shade. $1 .99 Complete for. $2. 25 Lom Seem Good Value LIBRARY LAMP BEDROOM HAND LAMP SSS Se]]) $4.15 No. 81 — Glass {ac ) Hand Lamp, com- plete with medium Ce remy burner, wick and with lacque chimney. frame and akin 25¢ 14-inch decorated dome Price....... EXTENSION shade, and glass roe HALL LAMP No. 213—Lantern, will not blow Peet sevension, ae out in the strongest wind, heavy er. Complete $ 4.15 2-15 No. 632—Holman's Brite’ | tinned fount, outside filler, heavy fore ti 40% . nak Lite Lantern, with short globe, wire handle and globe guard with throws a bright penetrating | patent lifting attachment that CANDLES No, 017—Fancy Wax Candles, for decorating; sizes 16, 24, 36, and 48, in box. Price, per box...... 15¢ No. 020—Wax Candles, 6s, 2for ............. 5c SIDR MIONEEY FoF ie, PS On gee nh 75c Fancy Color Small Wax Candles— No. 022—444 inch, 36 in box...............:.. 15¢ No. 023—44 inch, 30 in box.................. 15¢ No, 024—4}4 inch; 24 in box... 22.2 .00..0..24. 15¢ No. 0181—Wax Candles, 12s, 2 for............ 3c Mab. DOSES... 55) te ek ::: Eee 75c LARGE TWISTED CANDLES ; No. 018—Large LLL “ Candles, twist- ed, assorted’ 5 c We Pay Freight on Orders Amounting to 3” colors, each... $10 Bedroom Lamp C87—Bedroom Lamp, with burner, wick and chim= ney. Price. .22¢ STAND LAMP No. 11 — Stand Lamp, complete with burner, wick, and chimney. for 45c¢ Medium size 25¢ large size 301—Hall Lamp, made with two gilt lacquered brass chains and gilt lac- quered mountings, with long extension, colored globe, med- ium size burner and chimney ” $2, 15 Price.. LAMP WICKS oa | waoDeEAT f WICK. % L3771—All-brass hanging lamp, nicely polished and ‘utifully finished, made with neatly de- signed frame, automatic sprin, extension, and large fount; fit with a soft tone porcelain dome shade, size 14 ins. Has improved burner and is a high-class lamp in every particular; complete with fen Sane 56.05 No. L14882—. without prism tammung. $6.00 YOU'LL WANT ONE G22—Glass Lamp, can be used as a hand lamp or in a wall bracket; complete with oe size burner, wick chimney. Price.. .390C No. O or small size, dozen Gc No. A or medium, dozen 7¢ No. B or large size, dozen 8¢ No. D, 1% inch, each... 2¢ Per doeeniais. ee rs 20c Rochester, 2, each....... 5c Rochester, 3, each...... 12c Oil Stove Wicks, 4 and 434 C000 84s %. Vetere -Se light. will ag blow out in any wind; extra la ned fount, outsi taide No. 633—Globes, extra. 6c dite 85C holds the globe up for light- ing or trimming........... Extra Globes, each.......... 1 - Bracket * Lamp No. 978—A low priced Bracket mp» heavy tin plate, finished japanned reflector, reliable sea count; complete with urner, wick, aid oki o2e LAMP BURNERS BRACKET LAMP No. 126—Bracket Lamp, complete with bracket and 7-inch reflector. Price . | each... 6655 es tne 65c : No. 127—Reflector only, Price.........66540. 286 ‘No. 128—Bracket t only, WONG oo aci oc veaus 1 &c