R. eal MRS. POTTS SAD IRONS, 95c K27-Three Irons of different sizes with handle and stand constitute this set. It is an immensely } popular value. The irons are all heavily nickel plated to pre- vent rusting, and the finish is beauti- fully smooth and clean. Price 9 5 c for set K1—Asbestos Sad Irons, a popes make, lightening the work. The iron is surrounded by asbestos and retains its heat for a long time. Handle is always cool. Com- 2 2 5 plete set of stand, handle and 3 sizes of Irons...... . NICKEL PLATED K61—The Dover Sad Iron is manufactured by the makers of Asbestos Sad Irons, and is great value at our price. The handle positively cannot work loose as the support passes through the handle and is bolted on inside of hood, finished in nickel plated hood and highly polished core faces and round edges, aluminum tops and large black enameled handle. Complete set as illustrated. Pade LSS e BRE. ae Aa, $1.49 T33—Galvanized Tub, lighter, stronger than wood with no hoops to loosen, strong wringer rests, wrought iron han- dies, wired top edge and corrugated bottom. 20inehinas dace. 85c OR ie 95c 25inch......$1.10 T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916 SASK-ALTA STEEL RANGE Exactly as Picture upon thousands of these ranges are in use and giving every satisfaction. Shown Here The virtues of the SASK-ALTA STEEL RANGE are very well known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 107 FREIGHT PAID TO ANY RAILWAY $ 50 STATION IN EAST- ERN CANADA ceed Thousands Thousands are in use in the Maritime Provinces alone, and hundreds of testimonials and letters of recommendation attest to the high quality workmanship, ‘and finish of every Sask-Alta Steel Range. It is finished along the most approved lines. The design is extremely attractive, and its adaptation to the requirements of the home is such as to make it especially popular with the women folk. _ Improved Warming Closet, with its new style door is a big improvement and gives you a large convenient space. New Towel Rack, is very handy for drying dish cloths, mitts, etc. _ Burnished Top.—The top is made very smooth by burnish- ing, which does not, injure the tough skin of the metal, but makes it tougher. The Sask-Alta Oven Damper is at front just where it is needed and is always cool. Reliable Oven Thermometer. Hearth Shelf, gives a nice appearance, is very handy for warming feet. Heavy Copper Reservoir is not heated from one side, but underneath and therefore boils quickly and gives more complete satisfaction. Nickel Steel Oven is found only in the Sask-Alta. This oven can be washed or scrubbed out and will not rust, but will always remain smooth. It is ventilated and does sanitary baking. McClary’s Fused Anti-Rust and Fireproof Coating adds years to its life as it will not rust, burn out, nor be affected by acid or sulphur. Semi-Steel Lining—A new material that in the process of moulding requires 400 degrees more heat to affect it than it takes for the ordinary. Liquid Glass Joints.—The joints are put together with liquid glass which expand and contract with the metal, and makes a permanently tight joint. Alta Steel Range. expected to do its best work with a smaller size pipe. The following features give a partial idea as to the high quality and superior construction of the Sask-Alta:— Lift Top and Broiler Door of the Sask-Alta is automatic. The broiler or toaster can be placed directly over the red hot coals, without stooping. Double Duplex Grates—This is one of the distinctive features of the Sask-Alta. They are designed so that each can be operated independently of the other. 8 1 be shaken from one end of fire box without interfering with the live coals in the other, thus saving fuel. The ashes can The Sask-Alta Steel Range with nickel plated feet, com- plete with warming closet, reservoir and special wood grate. Freight prepaid to your station...... $55.50 One extra joint of 7-inch or 7-inch tapered to 6-inch pipe, furnished with range. Above price for P. E. I. only, special price quoted for other provinces. Without Wood Grate, less...... Sb cate cach cies ck’ Without warming closet, less. 13 pieces best Ware, add...: With Coal Grate, add............. 4 Ae ares é Without Reservoir, less..........s++0++ With Base in place of legs, add........ With Water front, add.. Notice—We mney advise using 7-inch pipe with the Sask- t was built for 7-inch pipe and cannot be From floor to cooking surface, 32 inches; to top of closet 61 inches. Size cooking surface with reservoir 3144x48% inches; extreme length with hearth shelf, 57 inches. Eagle Stove Clay ZOc No. 67—Asbestos Eagle Stove Clay, a fireproof mixture for repairing brick gare linings, Seised with yee dries hard as iron, . package. Pune tu aoe... os. er 20c ri gp ey No. 918—Self-Heating Gasoline Flat u = Iron, highly nickeled, simple to operate, M621—Minute Shine Stove Polish- fuel costs but }4c. per hour. No need to ing Outfit, including dauber, polishing swelter in an over-heated kitchen, or keep mitt, and can of polish in paste form. fire for ironing when you have this iron. | This polish will shine quickly and give a K46—Stove Shovel, black enamel, size 434 x 14 inches 5 Cc Has comfortable grip, balanced just right, | prilliancy to the stove that cannot be | Price. ............ esses eee e essa testes eens scene eee has smoothly polished ironing excelled by any other. $ fice 3 ¥ K47-—Heavy quality, good and substantial, size SUTIAGls, RAO ia. ovota. ess ce $u.98 complete. ..... 1: 2 6. 4 ds54 Cc 434x16 inches:'): Price... 233551. 9. 0s. tas | SR ey ey 1 0c THE REAL RANGE FOR YOUR BOAT Holman’s Ship Range sized oven; heavy cast iron legs, front draft; fire box linings are made traction and expansion; fitted with duplex grates, to burn coal; both the remove. direct ashes into pan. fitted with top rail to fitted with aluminize: f } bh inches; weight for shipping 130 lbs. The Holman Ship Range is well made, attractive, and satisfactory for both cooking and heating, and will give excellent service............ DELIVERY CHARGES PAID. Delivery Charges Paid No. 936—‘‘Holman’s Ship” Range is made of high quality steel, with four 8-inch covers, good i in six pieces allowing for con- linings and grates are easy to Oven door is strongly reinforced with cast iron frame medallions; has ash guards which Its construction throughout is reinforced with clinched rivets and castings, revent dishes from sliding off stove ina storm; size of oven 14 x 19 x 10 inches centre rack; cooking surface of stove 204 x 17 inches; height from floor 27 ._ [KNOWN STOVE POLISHES 50 SIFTER | P20—Black Knight Paste... 1 Oc, 3for...25c¢ a, P21—Sultana Paste, tins.... 1 Oc, 3for...25c¢ a a a ema, fr P18—Comet, 3 oz. cake... .. 4c, Doz....35¢ / Y P16—Rising Sun, 3 oz. cake. §¢,Doz....45¢ oer ae Piet ~ P17—Rising Sun, 6 oz. cake. 1 Oc, Doz.... 8 Oc and in-use: wi Dane f os ite 5c K48—Strong Fire Shovel, size 5x in., very_dur- VE vie heh de 16¢c COAL HODS T40—Coal Hod, japan- ned, large aa roomy, square mouth, well made...... 35c T41—Coal Hod, gal- wae —— and ong lasting, go value for....... 55c SOOT DESTROYER; No. 867—Sunlight Soot Destroyer, possesses powerful but harmless chemicals which act upon the soot, detaching it from chimney and dispersing it without use of brushes, brooms or sweeping. One-half pound saokanty 5 c MEE in 04.00 SES OHSO ES Se us ccs) 00s CRORE $13.50