112 a a SN a a : MADE WITH SOLID NICKEL MOUNTINGS L883—An extremely high quality line of Driving Harness, made with solid nickel mounting, made of good quality solid leather, well sewn and reinforced. This set is classy in appearance, nicely finished, and will give good service and satisfaction. BRIDLE has 5-8th inch box loop cheek, patent leather blinds, round winker braces, over check and nose band, fancy front rosettes to match trimmings, straight or jointed bit. REINS made of oak tan leather, 1-inch russet hand ye 7-Sth inch black bit part with spring billets. BREAST COLLAR, inch “V" shaped, with 14-inch single strap traces, either sewed or buckled to breast strap. SADDLE—3-inch flexible full pad swell patent leather, with double strav girths, slide attachment, crupper round and buckled. BREECHING—heavy single strav, stay and breeching cut in one solid piece of leather, thereby making a strong and neat brace: side straps %-inch. Price, freight 45 paid in Eastern Canada, .. ..0. 6. 4s cence tet es dee teees $1 9. L772—The above set of Harness with collar and hames in place of breast collar; all solid nickel mountings on harness as well 50 as hames.::: Extra. : vwrid stains ooh visit. baaireas OTERO sl. 6 $2. Sidecheck in place of overdraw if desired. State size of collar. 2) ]] SSH So3aHneas k, t length 14 Tee. pdonhs oer Yue Mire 30c 2\4 inch, per pair. ......... 35c 1L64—Chain Traces, 7 feet, twisted or straight, with swivel, per pair... 65 L63—Chain Traces, 74 ft. with swivel, twisted or straight, per pair... 70¢ [PeSeSSce2225 Sea ]S]S]2]]32]55] ne 2] SS] 32323] S]SSHSaSSaSsla Ss) L662—Trace End and Swivel, for leather traces, made for heaviest BACK AND YOKE CHAINS REPAIR LINKS | | L59—Repair Links, | wrought iron, for re- 162—Steel Neck Yoke Chains, 28 inches long, | pairing traces, or any | broken chain; size of strong and durable, attach to hames with GROD. «c's 6.04 Gab CUES s ¢ Ube CES bis cent ees 40c — \ inch, PO AG L65—English Back Chains, twisted....... 40c| 510th inch... 28¢ |. _._.'}8-4thinch....... §$¢ Bridle Trimmings | | L2—Bridle Fronts... c L3—Reversible..... c L7—Brass Team.... c| 149—Fancy Glass’ “Ros- | ettes, assorted. Price, per PAE CUR Be ve ec ce us 20c 143—Brass Work Rosettes, large, per pair.. 1 5c L96—Leather Back Bands, good heavy con- struction and finish, adjustable with rings Q 5 and wide leather flaps. Price, each........ Cc Driving and Working Reins L71—Double Working Reins, 1-inch, made from heavy selected Island leather.. EXTRA LONG and even thickness, buckle adjustment at crotch, $3 3 5 buckles at bridle and ends. Price......... Li—Driving Reins, 1 inch hand part, % inch front wit! russet hand part, oak tanned leather. Price at Woes Oe Cree dccevcvceseve oe L2—Driving Reins, %-inch front with steel billets and buckle, r: set hand part, black bit part, best oak tanned leather. Price. ..... $2. 65 s Bridle Snaps _ L29—Loop Eye, for leather reins. BOLT SNAPS * "64m. Berlin. 4c, 1% in. Be, e~\ 134 in. 6ee1% in. Be, 2in. Oe, e=D 130—Snaps, flat spring, brown japanned; round eye. HARNESS [HEAVY LEATHER WORK TRACES AN L978—P E. Island Work EXTRA Traces, extra value $3.65, GOOD made of heavy uniform VALUE leather, swivel tail chain, fits either hook or bolt hames; length 6 feet long, swivel and chain making an additional foot, doubled well back has double gear attachment, is strong and reliable. 2-inch, per pair$3.66 2 inch, per pair $3.90 CART SADDLE AND BREECHING COMPLETE L623—Cart Saddle "and pressing. saddle top covered with heavy two-ply wholestock lea: er, strongly stitched with reinforced crotch, deep padding with leather faced sides, thong stitched, 14 inch solid leather girth; de- tachable breeching with seat made from solid two-ply leather strongl, lee Ce ee SEEPS ~ WORK PAD AND BREECHING VERY SPECIAL AT L78—This Work Pad and Breeching is suitablefor"heavy work. Made of good Island leather, P. E. Island make and pattern, breeching 2-inch, made of two plies of leather well sewed jong heavy breeching straps, two hip straps, buckles have leather protectors to prevent . Large uare saddle pads with double leather se’ bearers, sliding"back strap with drop terrets, or stationary with swinging ring attachment and stationary terrets; all XC mounting. Very special at............ $6.45 RELIABLE BRIDLE BITS L706—Rubber Bit, half cheek _as cut, chain center .. 50c 708L—Nickel Bit, joint or, straight, full cheek. Price. . 25c j Ly See 4 _ nickeled, ointe: or straig strong. OB. veee - ~~ 40c L705—English Bit, extra heavy, jointed, nickeled.............. Ree ett. 50c L703—Nickel Overdraw Bit... .. peeececcecesers c L704—Nickel Terrets or Hooks, (wire or band)... | gc (PSS SSS]]]]]]]]]]S2=25= Price each. solid leather, sti bridle aa ee brass trimmed, other mountings xC style; side checks, stiff or jointed bits, solid brass fronts, rosettes || and buckles. end swivel, buckled hi Maritime Provinces........+.++++sses% qae breechi L174—For two Collars, extra wholestock, leather faced, thong stitched, well made..........++ coed Chain}{Cow Ties, strongJand well made with err O—Ligh for cal h 1 t for calves, eac! ~L20—Medium, for cows, each.........+. ".L30—Heavy, for cows, each........+-+++ SHIN AND ANKLE BOOTS L789—Shin and Ankle Boot, horse boot lea- ther, extremely light and offers good protection of best quali $3.00 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916 SaaS] ]S5 DOUBLE HARNESS 30 EXTRA QUALITY L172—This Double Harness is made from best quality made for heavy work—well sewn, 'y late; is a th -class set at the price. C plete) is 2 tora e a shock, flared: blinds, round. winker LINES—1 inch, 30 feet, snaps buckled on. S HAMES, Drednot steel, brass ball and trimmings, adjust- able dr: aft. TRACES—full length, 234, 3 ply with square link single to wi c - TINGALES—1}4 inch, heavy buckled. POLE STRAPS—1% inch, heavy with slides and snaps. BACK BARDS —heeey felt, lines shaped, back straps, ti ru r. BELLY AND 2 look” heat¥ folded double buckles. Harness as described above, freight paid in the $33 50 paid.” $38.50 $6.90 L173—As above with pads, and two in place of romp strap. (State size of Collar.) ]].]]]]]]]]Saq= wp Wes “44004 OC 35 ty. L709—Team Bit, ja ed or XC plate, straight tte: ie 8c L710—Jointed............. 6c S233] ]]S]SEa5 DRIVING BRIDLES No. 94—Driving Bridles, box 0} loops, double stay, patent lea- fi ther winkers, f; front and ronetien $2.25 fi With"Overdraw..... $2.60 jj] fi ree Bo ie $2.35 fl and rosettes. Price. L101—Light O Bridles, leather, neat font aod rosettes, Pris $3. 2 5 ll pecial Brass Team Bridle, made of heavy ¥H in... 3c, %in. ...3e,. % in 4c! L2s— i : : i Pigs ie Bolt Snaps leather, round "flared winkers, held out L31—Loop Eye, % in. 3c, 1 in. 3¢, 1% in. Se. | round eyd, ‘for sine stays, fronts, rosettes and ‘Toei oe tt Rn l 133—Bit Snap, for attaching bit to halter, XC | tinned, size of eye: nee pt se yin! $2 25 Bae ea asa ecg necro Be 34 inch........ 36 14—Common Open Work Bridie.“ $ 1:26 I ro) er, etc., 4ini......... i cp ’ im 7¢/%inch........46¢ winkers. Sis. anal dies with 150 ll : tks jnop tee TS... 0 ig a rie 8c (PS .2]]]]]S]S3SSSo5 QUARTER OR GRAB BOOTS 1L1028—Quarter or’Grab Boots L163—Pure back hinge, elk skin lined, wel’ | Pine. Tar, ip made of horse boot used as a leather. Per pair... $3. 50 disinfectant and 1L331—Pacer Quarter Boot, made>ofWhorse boot ioc’ pint . leather, elk lined rawhide straps, elastic pom cons Ri] hinge to prevent chafing. Per pair..... $5.00 Qui --20c¢c Neck Yoke Straps L60—Neck Yoke Stra 1% in., eaten heavy with mi , sna L77—Mica AxlefGrease, in d buckle, : = box. Per my ohare ine $1 (05 Se Neck eyeeck QC CaUIEOGS 0 <0 00's ocaiaes malleable, japanned, righ’ *>L76—Harness Oil, black, tales Cries strap in leather soft and Gliable. Bottle 25¢ | wearing at ring, 134 “L72—Climax Oil Blacking, in paste | inch. Each.!..°s. 7 6c form, oils and blackens the harness in L97-Martingales, heavy one operation. Per large box. wick 5c | work, 1% inches wide, L73—Diamond Harness Polish, in | leather Joop at girth, and screw top tin cans, gives good finish. | buckle at neck BME UIs « Be de ons c.cce ete eke 285c ' voke. Price... 1.00 HORSE WHIPS AND DASHERS No.60—Whip, rawhide from snap to cap. Waterproof, color black, S74 font ose 0 ok Wele oe ees . Syne Veeco weds esecde egQeaes 40c No. 92—Whip, black or red, 5 feet long...............00e00. No. 93—Whip, 5 feet long ebay BES Suis 00.0 at nines Gheree Express Whip, long lash. No. 94.. 1 5¢, No. 95.. 2 Oc, No. 96 1L014—Patent Leather Dasher, curved steel frame co’ wil _ quality leather. Size 14 x 25........ TS tte oo Size 14 x 26 ered 18: 31:85 $1.90 Size 14x 27...........