Orders Amounting to $10.00 or Over Shipped Freight Prepaid


7480—Invincible Heavily Galvanized Fence, all heavy gauge wire—a particularly popular farm fence; height 48 inches; every stay reinforced at every strand by the Invin- cible Bull-dog Lock. Freight paid on

orders amounting to $1 or oO Per rod. ae wep:

) 36c \s -*S ¢ ee ste . a.

Made of ‘Tedies Open Hearth Steel

E.F936—AZ medium weight Farm Fence, 36 inches high, No. 9 top and bottom wires, with all others and stays No. 12 gauge; spacings 3, 3, 344, 4}, 5, 5, 6, 6; stays’are 13 inches apart; put up in rolls of 20, 30, and 40 rods. Freight paid on orders amounting to

$10.00 or over. Perrod.............. 36c


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Weight Fence Wire, used with barb

_F6390—Hea' purpose size. Price, per rod....3 1c

wire. A gene

Good, Medium Weight Farm Fence = 19 AA 4 . h == \U} a = Ss (-)) y art p HM ————=4 [ i H <= t \ ee Perr may ir I $< pe } I —<——$f _ =f = 2 ———<—— $= GF * il

F5390—Invincible Heavy Weight Five- strand Farm Fence, used mostly with a strand of barb wire at top; 39 inches high; every stay and strand fitted with

the ‘sure grip never slip’ Bull-dog lock—a strong satisfactory ser-

viceable fence; freight

paid on orders amoun-

ting to $10.00 or over.


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ys 10-Line


F10480 A hone, purpose ,Numbcr Nine Wire Farm Fence, upright ‘stays are 22) inches apart, ors between strands, 3, 3,..8,.. 4,5, 6, , 8, and 9 inches apart; full height 48 inches high, making it horse high, bull strong, and pi or geese tight, every strand rigidly locked wit the bull-dog lock; made of genuine open hearth steel, heavily galvanized. Freight paid on orders amounting to $10.00 or over. Per rod 50c

dependable All-

W66—Extra heavily galvanized full os No. 9 Wire Gates, made of strong con- supported at all vital points; has two heavy

tinuous steel tubing; rigidly braced an

upright braces clinched to the frame, which positively prevents sagging; every strand is locked with the Bull-dog lock, and the whole is extra heavily galvanized so that it will not rot, rust, or deteriorate like unprotected metal, or wood gates. 3-50

with hinges and automatic catch. 4 by 12 feet....... $s

keeps the wire always tight and true.

Demwe Sa016 fect. .......wervssessersi 6.00 4by l3feet...§$6.50 4 by 14 feet.....


Galvanized High Carbon Wire is very evenly tempered. The strong spring of the coil governing the contraction and expansion caused by ex- treme temperature, prevents breakage under snow or heavy strain, and Our increasing business in this line and the immense quantities we handle is sufficient proof of the high quality of the goods. This is made in two gauges, viz., No. 9 and No. 12.


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The Fences illustrated and described are all the celebrated INVINCIBLE BRAND, and demonstrated by scientific tests and practical use that they will last longer in a salty climate (such as the Maritime Provinces) than any other fencing on the market. It is the thickness of spelter that determines the life of wire fencing. In a recent test the spelter on Invincible Wire lasted twice as long in aconstant immersion of sulphate of copper crystals and water as the next best wire, and three times as long as what might be termed average quality. The above chemical test is the one employed by telegraph companies to ascertain the lasting qualities of wire, and is the most severe that can be conceived. The stated gauges vary slightly, but in no case dothese vary more than a fraction to one “int.

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a Pa FS Ph PS FS Ps BS Pd Ps PS PS Ps PS


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w42—Cut er 100]bs.

Write for prices,

Fs96—Heavily galvanized Walk Gate, made of best quality open hearth steel wire; frame of heavy steel tubing—a strong satisfactory gate, fitted with automatic catch and furnished with,hinges; size 3}4x3}4 feet.


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£ Ws0—Galvanized Barb Wire, two strands, twisted with either 2 barbs 5 inches apart or 4 barbs 6 inches apart. Prices on application.

W/—Corrugated Galvanized Wire Stays are shaped to hold the wires firm without slipping; about 4 stays to the pound; No. 9, 4 feet high. .

Ws—Plain Galvanized Wire Stays, No. 9, 4 feet high

. W5—Fencing Staples, 1}4 or 1%, b

W6—Shingle Wire, No. 16, off

vanized, soft, poe and strong. Write for prices.

Price..... $3. 1 0

right, galvanized. led and annealed or gal-

y Wire, 1034 feet lengths. No. 13 annealed, (We do not pay freight on wire.)