118 T937—Your chance to 3 blade Ball Beari the ordinary. The balls are sj ened, held in dustproof cones, arings with strong patented The long hub makes wheels and true, reduces wear on and lengthens life of machine. A Big Value at the Price grade mower at a very special price. Complete with wrench... Specially Temper- ed 14-inch Steel Blades This is a BARGAIN get a high grade Mower at the price of cially hard- inch wheels, pies steel shaft, self aligning parallel clutch. run easy ratchets c It is a powerful, quick cutting ball bearing, high $5.25 $4.65 T33—This is an exceedingly well made Lawn Mower at the price; constructed of the best material throughout, guaran- teed to be perfectly flawless; is & quick, clean, close cutter. Has three 14-inch specially tempered high carbon stecl knives, adjustable parallel bear- ings, has self-sharpening at- tachment; substantial nicely shaped handle, finished in aluminum and red— a splendid- oe re Extra Heavy Strongly Braced Well Balanced and Bolted Barrow F327— The Reliance Heavy Farm Barrow is without doubt the biggest value on the market; made of selected hardwood, with dovetailed frames, mortised braces; the right size, the right weight, the right construction to stand the hardest of hard service. The cross pieces measure 2}4 x 34 inches, frame 1}4 x 24 inches, 1% inch boards, reinforced and braced with forged irons, bolts and lock nuts; heavy wheel with full 2-inch iron tire, strong 7-16th inch iron spokes; 34-inch spindles, massive cast iron hub and large bearings held in place by two staple bolts with nuts. The dimensions of the body are.as follows:—outside 21 x 31 x 33 inches; inside of bod 15% x 194 x 22 inches; dash 11 inches high; sides 9}4 inches high. Fitted wit! adjustable tailboard, adding to its{attractive features. The forged steel irons make it rigid and strong; everyjpiece,andgpart-is_put, together to give lasting satis- faction and service. Price . A GARDEN SPECIAL F4-Wheel Barrow made of seasoned hardwood, sub- OUR PRICE GOOD stantial frame, built especially VALUE $2.45 for light work; good heavy handles, 16-inch heavy iron wheel; dash 9 inches high; sides 8 inches high, inside length of body 25 inches—a particularly handy barrow for light farm or 2 4 5 garden WOFK Pricesaz. 55.405 «3 ee wre te ese $ . e STRONG STYLE MORTAR OR CON- CRETE BARROW Fs9— A powerfully strong Mortar or Concrete Barrow, heavy steel sides, solidly rivetted together, edges reinforced with a steel-wrapped continuous iron rod; nicely shaped strong hardwood handles; body extends over the wheel enabling the operator to dump endways or sideways; steel wheel 16}4inches in diameter; eapacity of tray 334 cubic feet. The frames, handles, an body are $6 00 braced and heavily reinforced so that it will stand the severest service. . . F25—Grass Catcher, fits all styles, gathers grass up while cutting, saving bother of raking. Pricee$1,20 Protect your Horse and Harness L7763 — Black Oiled Drill Waterproof Horse Cov protect horse and harness; 70 inches deep, length breast $0 tail. |Prig@tcy . 54h Siacei «ods sn ciel ond katte Oke L7764— Black Oiled Drill Waterproof Horse Covers, 60 inches deep length breast to tail. Price............ OILED COVERS GRASS CATCHER me ers, will $2.50 $1.90 HORSE SHEETS L812 — Striped Burlap, reinforced front, deep chest. } ae er a3 1.810—Fancy Plaid 'Pat- tern, shaped, neat'y bound. double sureingle, fronts re- inforced, snap fasteners, very nobby. Pring... : ssesinied $1.50 L909 — Linen Plaid Check, washable, shaped with fancy binding, an extra nice sheet. Pree zi. 14°06 .--$2.00 hard usage. Per dozen........ cit TOMO USC BES. ESV F. he jeiewtn Seiare Wy YY Made for potato picking or other Yj Good Quality Potato Basket "W1201—Basket, half bushel size, extra well made, all double bound and strongly strapped. $2.50 1 22e | 1 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog¥No. 15, 1916 Ball Bearing Lawn Mower ‘Runeasy’ Ball Bearing $6.25 LAWN MOWER T151—The Electric Ball Bearing is one of the highest grade mowers manufactured. It is adjustable through- out, high polished case, hardened steel balls, perfect dust-proof bearings, 9-inch drive wheels, cold rolled steel shaft and knives, four blades, oil tempered, care- fully set, hardwood handle and roller, nicely finished in red and gold. The Electric is one of the best, and warranted perfect. 14-inch........... $6. 25 Oe I BR My. nn SE $6.50 T90—JUNIOR SUPERIOR MOWER—None better at any price. Very highest grade with big 10-inch powerful drive wheels, solid hubs and oil retaining chambers, ball bearing and 4 bladed 16-inch cutters, Neatly finished in green, red and aluminum. Pape ica senso Sal. «oh ames Poe ey ‘ $ q. 5 0 L70—Galvanized Wire Baskets, will outlast 5 or 6 of the ordinary, especially adapted for quahaugs, pota- toes and heavy articles. 4 bushel... ........ 70c 1 bushel........ $1.10 1% bushel...... $1.35 2 bushieia Nes $1.55 Big Value at 3.75 T76—This Mower has 8-inch drive wheels, 3 blades of tempered steel, firmly braced bottom, knife adjust- able to take up wear, bearings covered to keep out dust and grit, cuts grass 14-inch and up to1\4 inches long. Fully warranted. The width of the cut is 12inches. Special price.................. $3. 75 Lawn Roller $10.75 L26—Lawn Roller, made of heavy steel, welded, thus eliminat- ing all roughness of rivetting; roller bear- ings allow of easy operation; can be made any desired weight by filling with either water or sand and is thus superior to other kinds; weight empty 75 lbs.; full of water 300 Ibs.; 500 tbs $10.75 FLY SHEETS 142—Fancy Fly Nets, covers horse from ears to tail, keeps flies from bother- ing him; made of strong cord in Ps 2 5 ts colors. Price... L56—Work Fly Nets, russet leather, very durable, cre pe fey 95. i HORSE POKES 45c H889—Climax Patent Horse Poke, is a sure prevention against the animal’s jumping the fence, stop the annoyance Price... 45€ Price 10° x 3dc H886—Cham- pion Horse Poke, good and strong, prevents the animal from jumping fences. Price....35¢