120 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada; Spring and Summer Catalog No.



% rig erate Tern re

This Machine will cost $5.00 less when fitted with Ho'low Cylinder il'ustrated below

Cae Bae Duplex Bag Fi

3. Ss Straw Shaker


| FREE ie” ! !

All small belts, ‘one wrench, extra row of : concave teeth, one tooth Oh . wrench, four dogs to 5 TE or fasten machine to floor, } Sieves

together with >i! can 4 :

and instructions.

Sieve Sho

a 6 Pe 69 Os Os

The frame of the Hall Thresher and

CONSTRUCTION Cleaner is made of the best kiln-

dried hardwood that could be selected for the purpose, sides made of seasoned spruce, matched and glued; substantial in design, rigidly bolted, and braced at all vital points.

SIMPLICITY The outstanding feature of this machine is

Simplicity. There is nothing. complicated. no intricate mechanism—no unnecessary gearings to get out of order. It can be operated by any mun who has the slightest idea of machinerye


der the cylinder and is then elevated by a slatted canvas apron to the straw shaker, which separates the grain from the straw—the grain descending through the shaker is conducted to the fanners, which separates all chaff and dirt; the clean grain passes through spouts elevated by a bagger (which can be attached) or it may-.be allowed to fall into baskets. ; CYLINDER The Cylinder is a very important part of the

machine; size 25 inches in length, 18 inches in diameter. It is made of the best quality wrought iron bars, rivetted to iron heads, and secured by three iron bands heat shrunk on both ends and centre, which holds bars so firmly that there is no possibility of their becoming loose; square holes are punched in these bars through which the teeth are driven and securely held by strong nuts and lock nut washers. The teeth are made with square shoulders so that they cannot turn or get out of alignment. They are made after our own patterns, the steel used in their construction being extremely tough and hard. The Cylinder is perfectly balanced before being fitted in the machine and the spindle or shaft is of ground steel 144 inches in diameter. The Cylinder bushings are babbitted with a good quality anti-friction metal.

Mr. George Watt} Dog Pond, Alberta writes us in part:— : neighbor I threshed for told me that he got Two Cents Per acer More Than The Market Price for his oats, because they were threshed so clean: The work was done with the Hall Thresher and Cleaner.

gr ae CA ma er «ik oer ies LPM ~~ Removable Grain Wlevator


Vk aiet


The factory could not fill all the orders received for these machines last year. Orders had to be returned— others booked a full year ahead in order to make sure of delivery in 1916. Machines were shipped to all points between Cape Breton and British

Columbia, (including both provinces).

; In the great Western harvest fields, _ Hall Threshers and Cleaners were sub- jected to the most critical tests, under the severest conditions, and in every single instance they have held their own with machines costing more than twice their price.

/ In many cases their present owners - claim that Hall Machines are simpler and thresh cleaner than any machine on the market, irrespective of size or _ price. Note carefully the many dis- | tinctive features of Hall Threshers. If _ there is any additional information that

_ you want, write us promptly as the output of the factory is limited, and the demand for Hall Machines is increas- _ ing from year to year. +

ae immediately.

W e Guar antee claim for it in every respect—to be flawless; and we will replace or repair free of charge any Ory or piece, should same give out owing to defect in workmanship or material during the firs Y the machine does not give perfect satisfaction, it is the duty of the purchaser to notify us

the Hall Improved Thresher and Cleaner to be all we

rst season. You take nochances. If, after a fair trial

This part is made of one-piece heavy gre: CONCAVE iron with @ two inch hardwood bolster throug which the teeth are tightly driven and firmly secured by nuts and washers. The bolster gives the teeth a long bearing and greatly increases the strength of the concave. An extra row of concave teeth is supplied FREE with each machine, and these may be fitted at such time as the regular teeth become worn. UNDERBLAST FAN fusgmetize it tted nits

the Underblast Fan, which runs very light and supplies a sufficient force of air to thoroughly clean the grain, no matter how dirty or dusty. The force of wind can be regulated while the machine is in operation, so that there should ‘be no waste of time or/grain. Equipped with improved lipped ‘steel sieve, which is an improvement over the old style wire sieve. A sufficient number of sieves are supplied, making it quite possible to satisfactorily thresh wheat, oats, buckwheat, in fact all grain and grass seed. DIMENSIONS The size of Hall No. 1 Thresher and Cleaner is as follows:—length over all 14 feet, 11 inches; width over Pitmans, 4 feet, 5 inches; height 3 feet, 8 inches ;width of shaker inside, 36 inches; shipping weight 1.200 pounds. Size of No. 2, as follows:—Length over all 12 feet, 2 inches;width over Pitmans, 4 feet, t inch; height 5 feet, 1 inches; shaker 31 inches. Shipping weight 1,000 pounds.

POWER REQUIRED 2,40 1 Ror to Sorte engine is sufficient to operate the No. 1 Hall Thresher and Cleaner with the same attachments as shown in illustration. No. 2 Machine as above will require but 3 horse power. When additional attachments are added, such as atraw stacker, loader or tailings elevator, No. 1 will require 6 horse power and No. 2 will require 4 horse power. Cc AP ACITY Speed ranges from 1050 to 1100 revolutions per minute. With good oats, from 70 to 100 bushels can -be ‘threshed» per: hours However, it depends largely with the quality of the grain, length of straw, or whether it is bound or unbound.’ id .T686—No. 2, Eastern Champion Threshing Machine and Sone on ae evlioges ceed paren Bagger attach- ment) freight paid to any-I. 4 tion in the Maritime Savgincee: Peqae s.r ak Sok Oe Oe $1 25.00 bd a mh jane coqmen oe pep eenets (with- out bagger attachment), freight paid to any station in P.E. I. Whee. nhac themes 8 | 1 5.00 (No. 2 Island Champion is built to suit Island conditions only and will not do outside of P. EB. I.) T696—No. 1 Western Champion Thresher and Cleaner, heavier chpatywecnet: i with 9-bar cylinder (without

. with bagger attac! er aNT TaN soaned, R. oS] 50 00

‘tion in the Maritime Provinces. Price.......

(For extra attachments see prices on this spew) Write us for extension payment prices on Threshing Machines.

Mr. S. E. Cannon, St. Eleanors, P. E. I., says:—“I have tried other makes, but find them no comparison to this, the No. 2 latest

machine. I have threshed from five to seven hundred stooks of |

grain in one day; and on several occasions threshed and clea

134 to,2 bushels per minute... One of the great features of this improved machine is the DOUBLE KICKER, it keeps the straw continually on the move, which shakes every grain out of it, and I find it far superior to any other thresher in many other ways. It is 8 very smooth running machine, nothing out of balance, it

“eannot be excelled for cleaning the grain after threshed, is very

ickly set up, and made of good materials. I honestly recommend

ve this machine to anyone wanting a first class machine.”

B AGGER This attachment goes on the machine so that the

grain spouts empty directly into it, and the grain is then elevated and put into bags which greatly reduces the labor required by filling the bags from baskets, or measures. The chute on which the bags are attached will hold two bags and as soon as one bag is filled it can be changed so as to fill the other, which prevents any loss of time or grain in changing. When bagger is not used, the grain or tailings may be delivered on either side of the machine.

The spouts are reversible. Price.......... weocccedieeed $1 a 0 0 TAILINGS ELEVATOR 7:,,Taioe, Blevator

heads back to cylinder, thus preventing loss of grain and is a great labor saver; shipping weight 75 lbs. Price... .. $1 5. 00

STRAW CARRIERS 52% Stackers can be attached

; : to either of these machines and are made in four different lengths, 14, 16, 18, and 20 foot lengths. They are made to carry the straw straight away from the machine or can be attached to work at right angles, doing away with the work of at least two men. Shipping weight for a 16 ft. carrier, 250 Ibs.

No. Undershot, sixteen foot... ........c.cscceccseens $40.00 No. 2 Undershot, sixteen foot.............0-+eeeeees $40.00 NOTE:—All machines are supplied with a 6-inch turned pulley with

a 6-inch turned face, other size pulleys are kept in stoc! i pulley does not suit drive puller of Cadi. P; HiT

The cap or hood over cylinder is ve asil cylinder can be taken out when eee ey ee

Mr. W. D. Haag, Box 964, Medicine Hat, Alberta writes i “T would not exc ange my little No. 2 Hall Thresher ‘0d. tender for one they sell here at $400.00, although the Hall Machine with

ee cost me less than $250.00 delivered at Medicine Hat Sta-

Mr. James Ritchie, West Summerland, B. C., —_ No. d Undershot Thresher aed Totten tht ire Bought from ty :

working fine, and next year we eé: i this district.”* y xpect to get all the threshing in

HOLLOW CYLINDER —No. 3 g Outfit will cost $5.00 otinn qubped WUE whole GO ALD et Woes Cetin |