A saving every time, considering our Free Delivery Offer

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Farmer’s Powerful Forge | ei STYLE AS PICTURE


B870—Crank Forge, is the farmer’s friend, B/ will save him many trips to the forge, valu- able time and money, heavily constructed, has steel spindles, ratchet cogs, adjustable bear- ings, large 18 inch hearth and 8 inch draft fans with turned bear- ings. Special

price... 4%. 5. $8.50

{ B860—Lever Forge, similar to above except }



P22 SS]]]S2]2]]S2Sa55



Guaranteed Cross-Cut CIRCULAR SAW


and up



ai le eae

Solid Patent Tooth Ground The Expertly World’s Tem- Best pered


Saver ; r ee in place 1870 RIP | T760 CUT OFF ‘aewmcmas or crank. —_-———— Ene Pree Sesca $ 8. 2 5 Thick- i ; Thick- Diam-| ness Hole Price.{ Diam-| ness |Size of/Price I ht PP ter | Gauge eter | Gauge } Hole | 8 18 Yin. |$1.35] 12 15 lin. | 2.40 Blacksmith 10 16 | lin. | 1.85] 16 14 {11-8 | 3.50 Vice 12 15 | lin. | 2.40) 18 13 11-4 | 4.35) 18 13 |1 1-4 4.35] 20 13 {1 5-16) 5.2 20 13 |1 5-16 | 5.25] 24 11 {13-8 7.35) 22 12 |15-16| 6.25] 28 10 |11-2 | 9.65 C48-Sterling Emery Wheels B667—Blacksmith | is made from hice jual- 24 11 {13-8 | 7.35} 30 10 |11-2 {11.00 ii : ity emery and corundum, a S English Vice, solid etick cutting and long last- | ; 32 10 |15-8 |12.50) box style, substan- ing; bevel edge. The wire 2 - aol tial and properly | centre makes it a safe stone. | } 34 9 115-8 |14.00) proportioned, solid 6x6, in., 8% in. spindle . CO) | a o thread boxes with 8x4 in., % or 1_in. hole steel screws; the rms rae on Af 1n., In. spindie Scag ey | asthe ai ON ‘ately cut; | 12x in., in. spindle rie steel jaws properly HONG W705.» sous 75 Aeoureie and Babbitted and tempered. Weight C49-Sterling Emery Wheels tT Boxes— Powerful } fea bo 60 & with square face; size 6x1 rue Best Steel

x% in. hole...

“$1.35 in. hole, $2. Ibs. Per Ib. 15C Sxixl in. hole: 32°08


amounts and we will refund any money


Carriage Bolts—We carry these in all zes but have no space to enumerate.

In sending orders remit the largest

over. State length wanted.

M-ineh, dozen............. 5 to 7c = 5-16th-inch, dozen.... 7 to 12e¢ %-inch, dozen..... 9 to 18c to27c¢

7-16th-inch, dozen. . |

potiatied, made from best cast steel and fully warranted, well handled.

-inch, dozen..... 18to40c


B701—Blacksmith’s and Machinist’s Hammers, ball peen, highly

i CC moe 1b6..... 7. OGs ios Warriors eae Maypole Brand

H . Brand, each. wy... Peas BIS Factions’ “Exives, bone handle, English mak -35c Tree eee AOE, BARONS Bic. oe ces ee csc re ce 6s 35

c B704—Farriers’ Pincers, made by Heller Bros., makers of the best

grade of Farriers’ tools in the world, 12 in. medium round jaws 1.25

14-inch heavy round

OM. PERG S eae eos seve ss Z B705—Farriers’ Cutting Nippers, Heller Bros. Brand, very latest

improved pattern, extra strong, with keen cutting edge, 14-in. $2.00

B706—Hoof Parers, which every blacksmith should have; saves lots of

labor and pays for itself in a short time in the saving of rasps, 12 inches


Pr00 oasis ees tage becsBeees)>: cee eee es ao By 4°) B707—Clinching Tongs, a great helperin the forge. Price $1.75


_ capo Tp an Di ee cig fo want | are noted for their true cutting qualities. j small BBS RK? Coma" $3.25 | enna y ba te: See “Complete for, See 00 j ee ie Heed # ach ea? Mogg |

i i el |

Ree Bee OOmmen BEG laneehsa ee... 40c

iron, faced with steel; weight from 85. to 195 Ibs.

Steel Saw Spindles, Disston pattern, complete with improved boxes, flanges and pulleys. ; OTE--Nut Screws on spindle contrary to rotation of saw. Always state right or left hand nut for saws larger than 20 inches T86—114x2 ft. or 24 ft. long, cut down to 1 in. where saw goes on, complete with pulleys, etc., for saws 8 to 12inch4,7 § 87—1}%4 x3ft. or 4 ft. long, cut down to 1% inch where saw goes on, complete with pulleys, ete., for saws 16 to 22 inch PHO. . kumaneia Ve $52 SAS AR eh $6.00 T88—1%x4 ft. long cut down to 1% inch where saw goes on complete with pulleys, 7 inch diameter with 6 inch ®elt face. For saws 24 to 34 inch. Price.................. 8.00 Balance Wheels extra, suitable for 134 inch spindles. 100 IDG ovis Ba-w hie tr OE» $6500 .120ibs... 5.555 3 For reaming spindle holes in saws for other sizes than that given in standard saw price list, or larger than standard: For sawe.10 to 20 ine ..2°9 2 ous j cc ee bide oot tes Seen c OU TE STO iets ob i Ween c


aS] ]]]S]SoSeSaaaa


376—Blacksmiths Anvil, special qual- ity, full steel face, has perfectly shap-

edges, rings clear as a bell; weight from 90 to 175 lbs. We will ship near- est size we have to what you order. Price per lb. 1

B663—Farmers’ Anvil, good tough wrought PORE: cred eb ie ta ees fatale. 1 2c

and Vice, a hendy, useful tool for all kinds of work— has well shaped anvil, and strong powerful vice, weighs 27 = ‘Ibs.


B6—Combination Anvil

Price... $2.35

Blacksmiths should write us for our Special Catalog of Blacksmith Tools, Famous 400


Is Adjustable and Automatic


No. 101—Champion Blacksmith Post Drill, automatic self feed, ad- justable slow or fast, with slotted lathe turntable, and fitted with never a oe holes up to

inch; weight 8.

MOG contes huimatrg a $9.00

No. 90—Same style as No. 101 but heavier throughout, weighs 100 Ibs., drills holes up to 1 inch; spindle 1% inch diameter. A good serviceable drill. Price OU Gs nh -viare ds 4 ote . 0

Genuine 10-Ball End Thrust Ball Bearing Spindles on both above - styles.



6 Pk Ps Ps Ph Ps Bg Fs Ps Pd

eet ide se te ee ce die ad

Pt hh Ph Pd Pd Ph Pd Bg 8 Ps

Rubber Belting

We handle only the best grade, a kind that we have been handling for years, therefore can vouch for its strength and reliability.

L4ins. 03%

2 cr he nent ife

2 in.....

= piles ae Me Ties wisi

Four ply, per oe

Mite eet 24c

4\4in...... 2425 Ste... BBe- Sin: :.. .\ Gere teas be 5c B863—Best fia Bel , i

Ying ‘ce, Boh eee iz:


Canvas Belting, cheaper than rubber and lasts well; made by stitching several plies of oiled cotton duck. If kept dry it is the most economical to buy. 65-inch 24¢............. 6-inch 2 Bc

(Other prices on application)


T07—Leather Punch, assorted sizes, revolving tubes, with entre, HOOD... oss casas 0

Sera Leather eal same style as above, except only one tohey - Each. g. 0). 52a a 25c

Handy, Yet Inexpensive

T09—Leather Punch, all sizes, ii ii me to be used with hammer. Each 1 Oc

No. 49—Speed Indicator, The working parts are en- cased and dial has 2 rows of figures, with rubber tips for

ointed and hollow centres.

Hesot. Pen $1.50

T17—Cold Chisel, high grade % or % inch. Each... 25c

Disston Files—Below we list the famous Disston Files, the quality of which is an unsurpassable standard. It will pay to buy Disston Files because they will last almost twice as long as the ordinary kind.

C30—Disston Three Cornered File, for hund saws, 314 inch. . Bc 4 inth .. .\iiaties Oc 5inch........ 10c 6inch..... 13c

C29—Disston. Double End File, 3 cornered with handle. This is really two files in one. 7 inch ] 4 ¢, 8 inch 13c. 9 inch 192

C32—Disston Flat Files, 7-inch 1 4¢,8inch ] 5c,9in. 16¢

AO inglt; ©, Gan BME co's vss divote hase BERG oar 19¢c C31—Great American Disston File, thin edge, with rounded back, made especially from cross cut saws. 8 inch....... 20c

_ C886—Disston Horse Rasp, tanged, 13 inch 5 Sc, plain 14 inch ; 60c

C889——Powerful Bolt Cutters, with | malleable iron handles, japanned, inter- changeable parts and adjustable steel jaws.

No. 1 i style handle... 4. °°" $3.95



B13—-Welding Com- pound, very handy for welding iron and steel.

Blowers, etc. WRITE NOW.

No. 2 cuts to Yinch, round $4 50

Price, per 5 Ib. style handle). 2835": Dox? . 6 Oc

i |
