R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916


\ A Strong, Safe Handy Electric Hand Lamp Powerful Electric Wagon Lamp Light For .. Cleanest and Safest Light for Barns and Buildings $2.00 $2.50


NUT M867—The Delta Electric Hand Lamp has brilliant} Powerful Electric Wagon OTHING BETTER black enamelled steel case, French mirror telescope reflec- | Lamp, the newest and most ap- ~ tor; specially made Tungsten bulb, imported gruund, pol- | proved style in a vehicle lamp— eye ce = ished lens. The battery used is our regular 35c. Reliance, | safe, sure, and simple; equipped which with ordinary usage will last from four to six months, | with strong 3-inch ground lens, There is absolutely nothing to get out of order. Push the | silver plated parbolic reflector,

No. 896—A wonderfully

apes and convenient light, fit with double convex

convenient thumb switch and instantly there appears | finished in rich, lustrous baked flood of rich white light, intermittent or continuous as you wish. It i is the only safe light around gasoline engines and barns, as it is absolutely fireproof. It is also very handy for

enamel. Throws a ap otros white light ahead and red to the rear. Complete with switch, 10 feet

ts Te feet feos: E <= around the house and for every purpose requiring an ordi- | of weatherproof flexible wire, somely finished in polished \ a light. You need it. Order today. om- $2. 00 screws, etc., ready for installing. nickel; gives a broad spreac- plete-with hethatees «sys pics 3 655 6T5 ee wes M32 Complete as above ing light, can be attached Extra bulbs...... ett eect eseeeceeeeeceneeeeneees 356) without betterieses mats ae Ser battery. $2. 50 rice of attachments M320—Complete with two batteries....... ; .00 as cut, without battery 6 9 § ark Make and Break M34—Complete as above with four batteri ; $3: 78 . M340—Complete without batteries..............0005 a



7 s 4.89 Coil Ignition Batteries M839—Tubular Flash Lights, leatherette ¢ase, nickeled re soe eolanee an = trimmings, strong convex lens and powsts reflector, M29—The Re- M19. Samp- fn sal amore oom ae a length 634 inches, diameter ¥ inch. St. 10 | liance ump son Make and i ae et. Wn: sean ‘tre lots with bulb and battery. -_ Special MOO <4 t 4 <: «'. Spark Coil has Break Spark eeante andevery battery is tested Teputation en Coil, case before shipping; suitable for gaso- HANDY POCKET FLASH LIGHT | *iedby.stiotie made, 3 season line engines or any work eauing makers; specia! ed hardwood, high amperage. Price (sub- KELED large contact thoroughly insu- ject to Chasey Reve B gor yed tt 3 5c NIC points, ne lated one wat- errno not stick, ut erproof; gives a M840—Pocket Flash Light, nick- give quick and good hot spark. Ms a Copper eled case, tinged ends; very neat sure combus- Each $2.50 aie e ie. and attractive; size 2% x 3 inches; tion. $4.89 : » pure sheet Manor 8 lete with bulb and fraser. | hele “ANADian caso 4 becteank Priod: ... . seexowee 75c large corrugat- vr CARBON . - Spark Plug Safe 7s at, Te- ee oop : T 5—Elec- to hold chamois Accessories tric Switch- A Good Quality ao and gasoline, tiade _ gasoline; made es, as cut. N22—The Rajah Spark Handy g a to prevent Plug needs no introduction 3 $8 spilling; size a- Each 1 Sc | as it is popular with the é Mohee ee 6 engine users and known for &-- ¥ B51 Lever Switches, eee ed tes reliability. Complete POS Frectle Lamp each. ..5 7 OC with clip; size e@ power, quick action, solid brass Accessories ¥ inch. Each. $1 . 25 complete with 12 B contacts, sure connections. ne aon ony ‘91—Brass Bilge Pump, double acting, pumps a @0i9° a engine * : Se tee M24—Rajah Spark Plug batteries, can be Pe steady stream of water with ease. It is OUDIO. .- eee eerere - un, leavin, t 7 ° B28—Asbestos Packing ae SevbR.s. 75c¢ Safety Plu gs both: Ranstha free on with 5 feet of rubber hose and coupling, with copper wire insertion. M25—Rajah Spark Plug jraaee ae be found length under spout 15 inches; takes little room and It is the toughest and most Clips, each....-+...¥. 10c M21 Blitz Safe Invaluable a night. is always ready for use; chamber 1- durable, 1-16th inch thick. M26—Rajah Spark Plug Spark Plugs are made wit Price cdthplete ie iavdacdae. s 1.50 inoh... "Price... ised FES; ae oe $3.25 . 50 Porcelains, each... . . 50c a mica inner lining which T60—Extra Lamp. Price. TSC Per square foot... --- c ; revents a short circui M27—Rajah Spark Plu, mevente Brows B29—Same as above, not & when the porcelain core is ite as thick. Per square Gaskets, each....... 10c cracked, made of highest = 45c M1—Blitz Spark Plug grade gate. “i true O0t. . wélasw ss s¥aes % oints; size -Inc B33—Square Flax Pack- Porcelains, each..... 50c BACH... s.0ls seas ae 90c

ing for shafts, per ft. .. 4c B31 Asbestos Paper, medium thick, per square

fodba ca ccansae sess 1 c 392 Gasoline Engine

M2—Copper Terminals for end of wire, large or small, each. .......... 3c

red Machine Oiler, extra

M976—Galvanized Gasoline Boat*T; - ted with 1-inch brass filler and Melts

Paint, made capacinly A pret | with inch bras filer. er outlet, anti-splasher style with centre stand the _ of ee large mouth, can be filled quickly with- which prevents gasoline running a engines. It will no out wasting a drop of oil. Half-pint | gue end of tank; maintains uniform Light green and steel gray. size, strai al or bent spout...... 15¢ ; aol 1. 3 5 t 30c T74— Coppered Oiler, as cut, 0 See <a has drip ce rass collar and filler; is 82: §8 ——F very durable, straight or bent s at. Price... . 1. see eee sees ener ees b ie an —-_ CO T73—- Holman’s Special Oiler is nicely _ finis!

M30 Holdfast Battery Connectors, make quick and tight connection, each 4c

S. W. Copper Paint, red; Per gallon...... $2.00 Half-gallon..:...$1.10

Quarter-gallon.. ...-. 6O0c-|..-

M09 Battery Tester, is not the cheap kind, but the

American Gasoline Blow Torch, un-

T202—This powerful . Stillson. ‘Wrench is Pade from drop- forged selected bar stecl, interchangeable construction; never locks

“upon the pipe but grips fir

crush or does not slip; released readily; moveable jaw and nut are made with round top and bottom threads which makes it im- “wood handle on all but 18 and 24-inch

mly without lost motion—does not

K72—Ssold: Outfit, consists of

in green, red or blue; size %- pint, straight or



- foreign body in oil fin: its way into the engine, niécessitating the clean-

‘ing of it. troubles’ by “using Re-

Avoid these

re can... 75c¢c 5-gal.


_Polarine in_ 1-gallon

an. $4:

-,= Royal~ Cup ieee’


excelled for strength, solidity and effi- ; 3 =< iL re bighest s Ss. 25) | ciency; made of solid brass; each torch Lion, ounce adler, bo of resis, sal- ome paged 17 Electric Wire, | “"\si8-~ Gasbline Tester, | tested. Pritt. .casescsist ie ga 19 | dr, each. 9c G ASO LINE double sich ag for Bo eachs oie heat. 45c¢ MT1—Quart size......... $4.00 iillig «Malian gines. Per foot....... rc MT2—Pint size.......... $3.75 a T70 Large Electric yn or ance rede Ours is always fresh and strong; new stock is Wire, same construction marine and stationary | Teceived every week. Prices on application. for connecting plugs to ; engines. Many engine ees Gasoline Barrel, epark coil. Per ft.. 126 The Sa mpson Stillson Wr ench troubles are casued by chipging and storage, holds rt Hine pe hl ce using poor oils, as an has bung hole to take the ordinary 5-8th

tan. ‘It pays for itself in short time

leakage aie evaporation; eventually By saving you will own one, why not now?.... $8. 00

_ BO15—Tap ‘for- above barrel, each. . 5 Oc’

x B02—Galvanized | Gasoline Cans, fitted with , Tass tap, si = or pouring an

handle. Sgalion....... 8. $1.10 10-gallon...§ 1.60 15-gallon....$2, 65

B17—Gasoline Fire _ Extinguish “Leader” is only: thing that wal pit The

ra to-strip iron pipe; “F02 -—~ Regular Monkey..|- . : Set jg Be 2h bes ic bulk, a e fires. .In case of fire what mes == : Wrench. 10-inch....450 Sizes Sinch 10-inch “14-inch 18-ineh 24-inch per Ib a oe oe Think of cae rene paar property. ° touch, 104nch... Prives 75c ‘@6c $1.20 $1.65 $2.90 Rian Send for one now. Price... $1. 00