Freight Paid on Orders amounting to $10.00 or over


B17—Reliable Spirit Com- ss, highest grade, solid cast rass bow]; alcohol liquid, can’t freeze, jewelled bearing on hardened pivot assures ac- curacy and free movement, stands the jars of motor boats and heavy seas; in sliding

Seinchaystes 2 S000 ENGLISH DRY COMPASS



B81—Dry Compass, of Eng- lish binnacle design, solid brass

PS 2]]2]202 2222282] 2]2S5155]

ql iRON ‘* CAN’T DRAG’ ANCHOR ANCHORS woLDs, ii ON ANY 1} BOTIUM fi spe Motor Boa Anchors, a ood galvanized, a steamship pattern G Heavy noted for its heavy holding qual- fi . Construction ities. They have short shank, lay flat on deck {] Bll—tIron Anchors, Island make, correct and are ready for instant use. Their respective {i

numbers signify what their weight would be in

fit ine so: § 1-89 Bs be ow 35 long shank style. No. 18........ fi BOs ot . GSib.... ee $1:88 No. 25..... $4.00 No.30..... ote DSeSSeSSESSESsSSEESSseSESsSeEeeHsasSasaa=

Galvanized Rowlocks

B25—Galvanized Rowlocks,


Bl4—Galvanized Sheaves, for wood blocks:—

B56—Brass Grommets, with or without teeth. Per dosen:—No.- 24 204g... e cscs ee N Quam. to Heo Ho W4@¢ No.4.......%..

B58—Dies, for inserting grommets, for No.

° Ouse

or NO. 33-8... :..2.. <5. Hee ease é B176—Sail Needles, best quality, each.... B272—Sail Twine, best American cotton, in

%-tb balls.......... agile Be uigeacelesccsees 2 ge B78—Bees’ Wax, in ounce balls. Price.... B41—Heart Thimble, shaped as name, u:

mostly for wire rope; sizes un to }4-in. rope, ea. . ts

eine ee aed Sc %-inch........ c

We ice osc nse a oath wens he ne 2c B40—Galvanized Rigging Wire, best English.

SOOO sso halo cstae en 2c 5-16th-inch..... gic

BON or 0t. ne. 4a oo takin Hae bnee on c




Government Inspected



Order Now|

¥ S$776—Platform Scale, good heavy construction, solidly braced and finished; the top is made of seasoned double hardwood, the pillar is made of the same as top, all woodwork nicely varnished. The platform is one piece of solid iron, overlapping at all to prevent pickle or other injurious matter coming in contact with the bearings; has oil tem- pered steel bearings and pivots, heavy cast iron levers. Heavy brass beam graduated from \%-tb to 600 lbs., government inspected; freight paid in ins Canada. GP Hines S;- <a $16.95

8777—Platform Scale, as above, larger size; ter capacity, government inspected, gradua:

, weighs f. tb 000 Ibs. X Freight paid in Hastern Canad $18.95

bowl, ring and joints, light dial, Diameter Suitable common Patent Tibbed : rt ‘plainly lettered, easy working Pe for blocks style style v0 oar cas 7 5c set in 5in wood box 1 50 in. fits 3}gin............. c Oc pair. SPP SARS wih Widest, . oes 2 ses e ewes ene : 2 No. 3....60c No.4..65¢ §93—Round Brille Compass, 3igin. fits 6 in........... 2. 3 c C B26—Galvanized Rowlocks, 3 in. diameter, with cover (no S&& = ‘a + z a c Wt c being malleable they are very wood) in compact brass case. Price...... 90c 5sin- aig mete -*s aes 8 $ 3 . 3 superior. Per pair * 6 in. §te'10)° ins 32. |. . Woe c 1-3 No.'2:'.. : Sie v0c Wood Blocks anew 2 pm No.3... 66e No-4..80c ke pe Sa size eee eee Aluminum Letters ee eS SAGER Fs es 15¢ 20c B99—Aluminum Letters for name plates, patent rollers, make work 134-inch........ 20c 30c IAnohi, ROH. caaaes s. vet OOo... 5c easy, good for butchering Pineh? 2... 3X. 25c 35¢ or boat use. 2i4-inch........ 40c 60c Bow Chocks Inch. single . double = 3%. 87c $1.50 4... 90c $1.60 3... 96e $1.75 6....$1.20 $1.95 Each 15¢ ; 7....$1.45 $2.45 Show BS—Bow Chocks, galvanized (state right or & n Your left; extreme measure, each:—— _ oo et8S 82.06 4}4rinch . ..c-a.4 ++ 15 Sisinch....... 2 8c ae ON os an Be-Brass Deck. Plate, 6}4-inch.........- 35c S8S-inch......... oe Pea tei i for tion for gaso- | B7—Flag Pole Socket, ee galv., flush with deck, ocks, galv., BOAT ACCESSORIES __ | line tank, fitted to take takes fag pole I in, dis- extreme, mea A A X meter. Bow.... c

—Tib Hanks, si 4 1-inch iron pipe. ities, od. cnieis Cc Each....2 0c inch. ae “G06 Nes 63° PHM casi once GB5C | (Order your ‘fiag from | sin..... 3O0c 6in..... 35c 7in..... 55c 1 pinch. 4 ee sae c pe ye sok another page.) Wa ciate

—Sai mbles, per dozen. 34-inch. . c , aan hrs nN 3 Be 1" -ingeay .: .' 7 B69—Galvanized Boat Nails, clean cut, per tb:— aoe eit LM-inch.,. 50... ee eee scene bites per sees C p-incllipesseeuee 153c s4-inch....... 15¢ tip to tip) i nl Rings, Pe tone 2.7 Be 136 and 1%-inch...14¢ 2and 2}¢-inch.. 1 Be Zin... Be S6-inch . eB. . 6. UO OMe Me cearcseces 6 234-4) and bg.e.......... ome eads. dq 2c a 3in. 1 56

Boiler Tube

Cleaner lll

M631—Boiler Tube Cleaner, strong coil wire; will clean the boiler tubes far better and will last

longer than others. Diameter 2} inches © B16—Cleats, best quality, galvanized (tip to (weight 10 GUNGES) , . 2.5.5. cece erences $1 .35D tip). each:—4-inch,....... Sas hans 20c Diameter 3 inches (weight 13 ounces).. $1.50 | S-inch.....-.++++ 25c inch..,. 1 36c

Spray Head

B4—Spray Hood Attachments for use on launches, folds like a buggy top. attachments include 3 pairs of sockets threaded to take inch pipe or % inch iron rod for the bows, covering can be made of light duck....$1


Scale ;

~ Self Aligning;



Launch Steerin Wheels ~

eee Wheels, galvani:

for launches, ete., complete with drum The frame is very strong with © five wood handles, easi- ly detached, ex- treme length from

tPinen. $2.15

16-inch........ $3.00 20-inch..... $5.40

Strongly Braided Tiller Rope,

B92—Tiller Rope, made of strongly braided Hercules cotton sash cord, 7-32nd Garyehers 4} POE TOOW si veces te VeeWesevensess caeeees 4C

Galvanized Boat Hooks

B12—Boat Hooks, not 2 5 handled, fully galvanized; C non-rusting, fits to handle 4 with strong socket and screw, has pbarp point and spear hook. Every motor boat should have one; handy for coming into wharves, picking Po 5 mooring, etc. Diameter of socket 1}4 inch. Cc Urine. oi iccvsledcictieceesosseccscccces 30c


B90—Patent Trawl Roll- ers, American galvanized holder, wide knot-passing sheave and double brass

atents, it pays for itself in one season 2 2 in saving rope. Each $ . 5

BG—Lobster Cleavers, new style, cary 70) c

weight in back of blade; sure to please


No. 889—The Ronson Wrench, made of drawn tempered tool steel, finished in heavy rust-proof nickel plate. Length closed 6 inches, open 8 inches; turning of individual wrench impossible once set. In a second wrench can be taken apart, and if required each member can be used separately. Immensely strong, goes anywhere, does anything. Saves time, weight, space, patience and moneys - Price... .is:c Jrks ev abearte oases Sas ha 89c

Write for Prices on Nets

Write for our prices on Bag Smelt Nets, Herring Nets, Mackerel Nets, Trawl Lines, Trap Heads, Twines, Ducks, etc.


87—The Chatham Farm Scale, is built upon a four wheeled truck with swivelled tongue, and can be moved anywhere with perfect ease. By the drop lever principle the pivots are saved the jar of loading and unloading. The highest grade pivot } cake used and the knife edge is tempered as hard as agate, while the body is tough and fibrous. With the patent quick acting drop lever, stock can be as con-



Write for our prices on Herring Nets, Mackerel Nets, Trawl Lines, Trap Heads, Twines, Ducks, ec. :

a ee ee


FA tt hh Ps Ot Fs

ientl dd rately weighed as small groceries, a stock rack is all that is aed, “We apn free a plan to make stock rack, and it can be made at


ne on a rainy day from serap lumber. ‘The self-aligning bearings is a strong eee Den . wee ns aie 6b feature in favor of the Chatham je, and with this improvement accurate weights ieee ee Bo. 10th cones Dee et ee ee c can be taken on rough floors. Has sliding brass poise and the weight is read from 1h ee ee es ee ann 8": c top of beam without stooping, weighing capacity 2000 Ibs. Govern-@O& QQ) 22-tb oo. BOG Bld ii es eeieere seers ees SE 6 ment inspected. OB i bse Sk MA bie daicle a ao 62 Wd eiic-<msraied 64'6 woiowid . ; pAb Maaiad Trawl Hooks, tinned, straight eyed. Per box ot o eae <P 2 . Rig os. HO ead an. oes oh dando . M654—As above, but cross eyed. Per box.................. $



Scale Beam

We do not Bay. a

reight on the above in any quantity. BJECT TO CHANGE WILHOUT NOTICE

F7—This old reliable Scale Beam is a necessity in every barn peayy and strongly made, nicely finished with

black enamel, plainly marked on both sides, fitted Government B15--Vars, strong and reliable, per pair:— with sliding poise. Weighs accurately—Govern- Inspected Spruce, 8ft............ 2 Hardwood, 8ft........ $1.45 ment inspected. This is an exceptionally high class beam that will last a lifetime. OE its cae $1. : RS ee £00 Ibs. capacity.. $4.40; 30 ae 4.85; 250 lbs... $5.10..... Aor ar ies $1-8 TOReS. ears : $3 REE a ka hice <3 sade nctak eaten titi 2 Ue betaine sare Te ; c FO Brasa Beans, for fai. 50S, >. Memes, ees pr at ae 88:88 1 I S235


~ ksi —— = wernt rnc