If ‘there is-anything you want that is not listed here, write us



Comptlete with J wee Strong fl Ropes, Poles, Heavy {] and Pins, Duck, fl Large and



fl No. 117—A Large Roomy Tent, made from first quality duck, reinforced on eaves and corners, sewed in iron rings at eaves and fl] top, grommets at bottom, All seams felled, roof has the right fi slope. Guaranteed full size and full weight to the square yard asspecified. Send in your order NOW before the warm weather fi is here and avoid-delay. We will do our best to fill tent orders promptly, but the person who orders early will take no chance. fi Size 8 x 10ft.— 10 oz. duck......... $1458 Sige 10 x 12 ft.— 12 oz. duck..........cseseees "9




No. 786—Camp Cooker, heavy wire construction, retinned, folding Style, can be arranged as picture in a jiffy— extremely handy for outings, camping

Special Prices

0 Club Supplies


Each Set Complete with Hoops, Mallets, Stakes and Balls

_ 5463—Croquet Set, complete in every respect, includes four 5-inch mallets, well shaped, long handles, oiled finish; four smooth round balls, and stakes varnished, four galvanised hagpm packed in strongly made dovetailed case. Cee RR Mo Bi

_ $464—Six-Ball Croquet Set, includes six nicely shaped full size mallets, stakes, and six round wood balls, all nicely var- nished and ‘highly finished; the set also includes bent galvanised hoops, al} packed in a well made case... . . $1 .30 S465—A superior Croquet Set, includes eight perfectly shaped, nicely varnished mallets, eight balls and stakes. The balls are wrapped in oiled paper, and the complete set is packed in a well made case, together with bent galvanised hoops. Price, complete............... $1 . 8 0

(eS “Sure Hit’? Bats

S8—Perfect Bat, made of"finest selected” white ash, tape bound handle, the professional 1 00 Seat. eer teae ne ee = ..> . S7—Acme Bat, selected growth ash, plain g oil finish, the ideal bat for long strikes....., c Other Bats well made, selling at No.8....5

..§0¢ No. 9..2 5c, No. 10.. 1 Oc, and No. 11..5¢

ig} ; VD * S5Rr—Rugby Football, regulation size; made of pebbled grain leather, wie pure rubber bladder. ... $1 75 S5RK—Rugby Football, cowhide leather; epule €O 7 fr tion size; complete with bladder, lace and needle . . . of J S4AF—Association Football, made of American pebl‘ed

mety " ano or picnic. pete. SOC Buy these Water Wingsand learn to Swim No. 787—Water oa Ne Wings, made from best fs Ay

rubber cloth; will sup- port person up to 200 Ibs. A great assistance

Bien sn SUC


-_ ==

$780—Reliance Fly Rod, light and pliable, bindi:

best grade split bamboo, many silk. dings, ont grip. length Oi. 3 a ee aan in felt wi case Wl P

Oe ee ee ee $770—Ideal Fly Rod, high grade split | bamboo

silk bound, cork grip, 10 ft., 3 joints with extra

tip, all in cloth lined wood case with 3 00

bag.2! Peboo us i. Age cette te ss seca ee $ . $760—Sterling Fly Rod, 3 joints with extra

tips = ot full —s Bomsing. meets bound,

split bamboo, cork grip. plete

jn wood case with cover. bh ae $2.25 $750—Favorite Fly Rod, 10 ft. long, 3 joints

tiplying Reel,

with extra tip, pliable split bamboo, die, nickel plated, silk bound, all in wood case with bard | .50 oe and beers

$740—Dunk oT Rod, is our popular best seller. a light, quick caster, made of well bound split bamboo, 10 ft., 3 joints, ook G1 00 grip, nickel mounted with cover... .. .

$18—Royal Steel Rod, of Bristol make, very pliable for fly casting, 3 joints and cork grip, handle nickel mounted, in_ bag. $2 2 5 PMOGrects coves eae tehieseswe eters . ON



$20—Bamboo™Rod, 12 ft., seat.

Bam! 3 piece, brase jointed with reel seat. Price.” .,, OOC $21=Bamboo Rod, 9. ft. -

PrIOO. - soccesereesccecsseeeseee eee

_ SOIM—Bamboo Rod, 9 fu 3 nieee-4 Be

Ree eencwnesseeeee


.|_S$013—Bait Box, at- taches to coat by .pafety pins, useful and always handy. Bee. . Ben. 15

$053—Double -o, yds., balance_han-




grain leather; 24 in Each com-

plete for. .... 0. eseeess 3% Stee oe rue Pees sescvees $2. 0 0 $54G—Association Football, best American oak tan- $2 7 5 ned leather; full size, each complete for......-.-+- .

High Quality Tenni S Note Prices Ra cket Ss

§20—Reliance Tennis Racket, latest shape, frame . well made from selected wood, good quality gut..... $2. 06 $30—Tennis Racket, latest oval shape, frame highest quality special oriental close woven center strings— $3 00

an extra good racket. Price...---++-+++-eersee+s S010-—Racket

$011-Racket Press, Covers made of

made of selected

\ te ott | goat

A from warping when | in colors red or = in ee 5 Cc a

TM sinise ¢ fach....0C


$81BP—Punchine Bags, made of tan | leather, egy al seen style: complete with pure rubber wladder, single

end. Price,each.........-+-++- $2.00 $81DE—Punching Bag, made of good H irab colored leather, bell shape, complete Ef ith bladder and elastic or 50 B 1ooks, double end. Price. ..-.. .

Baseball Masks

SF—Mask, nad ~~ wire, hair. fillec leather pads, head and chin piece: —Mask, of blue |. wire, ae pads, head and chin pieets’.....-.. 50c

mm men em nT

2] ]2].]]]]ahS]SS=3



$736—Every town and village—every country district should have its tennis court. Tennis is an intensely interesting game; popular everywhere—easy to learn and play. We have made up @ combination set which includes everything necessary for the game, The Double Court net is made of good quality white cotton cord, uniformly woven, each mesh is skilfull knotted, with this net is included the necessary number of poles, guys and pegs. Four

excellent quality rackets and four regulation tennis balls are also included—a book of rules together with directions for making and marking the ground for a tennis court makes up a set that is complete in every detail (without marking wheel)

Charqee Paid... 5 .bis os ew ov oraere apes owes. 90 dw ergin $1 0.90




loeeeEeE ee ESeSeSseess


$106—Regulation Tennis Net double court size, 42 ft., of se-

form quality, weave,

give satisfaction.

lected white cotton cord of uni- and strength; bound on top and finished in every way to make it ( Buy this net and plan a private tennis court

for your‘own immediate friends. io A RSA $2.00


$110—Championship Tennis Balls, highest quality material and con- struction; made in the most improved regulation style for Championship

games. You will play your best with these balls. Price each..... 50 Full domen, price. 05 cee rec csc c ccc ccccccsecesscservssceces $5.5 6 $2—Tennis Balls, price each.wvc.ce. cece cece cece cece eeee noes 30c

led with curled hair. Fitz style; set of four.

safety grip and trimmings; heavy

ed hair; Fitz style. Set of four........

hair; four. .


call 8


859—Fielder’s Glove, best quality horsehide; lined throughout, well padded and laced with a perfect pocket. each . $437—Glove, made of black calfskin, full

Price, each. 6.6.6 cccccenecierneiee S6X—Glove, brown nays leather palm, leather lined, well padded. Price

a bigiiie’s U6'> > SAME Ro doe cccccccs 7 5 c


Price 3 50

her lined and well padded.

$2.50 $1.25

ove, genuine white nappa leather

leather lined. Eac’ 7X—Gi

18C-——Glove, good value, each..... 5 Se 24~~Glove, boys’ size, each........- 25c





leather back and fingers laced thumb and back. Price....

8607—Mitt,hashorsehide nalm and yucatan leather

yack, laced at the . sack: Prien, $1.00 | * S609—Mitt, Men’s size, nade of good leather, well *| wadded’ and~ sewn: c

865~--Mitt, Men's 5 9 Cc


$10—Body Protector, best practical device for catchers; construct- ed to conform to the body when inflated; erfect in every detail. ie, each... $6.0

$10A—Body Protect- or, good quality ma- terial, and similar to our ten dollar line, but a little lighter. Price

eS. es a Mitts, oa uine horsehide palm,



be aia one OC er de

Each §175—Atlantic League Ball, :full




SO-190--O.fficial e Base. Ball, the ball, that is used in the world’s series; guaran-

d f fave,” Ech 1.25

Boxing Gloves

$02X—Boxing Gloves, kid back, safety gri alm and wrist made of heavy khaki; laced st;

fie! The celebrated

Prigeyaeinc «cue: $1 . 75

$020—Boxing Gloves, man’s full size, kid back

rip and wenn an Pp i made o haki, laced wrist; ed wit! 82 25

$09—Boxing Gloves, made of brown Yucatan Kid, ae Swed ee grip, filled with curled ‘orbett style. rice per set %¢3 50

$178—U niversity League Ball, ful 756

size, Each... e. : { ; . ara, size; horsehide cover. Each,,......

| a aos 95c $146—League Junior Base Ball, not _ SCX Mask, made of finest b feo oe ute full Uiey leameat oper: Be . . : a eth se idee : eae are @Cach. . -enwe ss eee Vere revive ces ee at eT anaemia SDM-—Sof-Ner, the best | _$135—Youths’ ‘Lively Bail, well bead oat eiskir plea atin preparation on the market | stitched, two piece cover. Prices: 4 Oc

pieces. $2 50 for softenin one 0: $120—Boys’ Pride Ball, the best ball

WOOEE.S oss 62 cee eae - mite. aan IC | onithe;market for the prite. Havhi. 5t

i Pe) eee ae