You will find something for Children on this Page




No. 89-Whirly-| gig,rapidly revolves |

from end to end of

the spiral track. mirth-provoking creation; order one for the chil-

dren. Price 1

A| T6225—Prize Fighters, painted figures, move- able arms; by operating button men box natur- ally. Complete with

lat- Cl eute. L 1S

Z. e

Kate OM gs 0) be RR F yyy WSN ise


No. 837—Sensation Electric Spark- ler, will not ignite, perfectly harm- less, will produce brilliant ‘‘sun’’ or “pin wheel’”’ effects; 12 in package, suitable for holiday decora-


tions and celebrations, price .

No. 87—Curtain Mask, made from suitable material, drapes at front hiding face, colors black or white, finish- ed with scalloped edge.

RUMOR oe... se 5c


T6213—A comical Mask Outfit, consisting of semi-wig, mus- tache and beard, pointed papier mache nose with eye glass rims, each with attached elastic. Complete set in package

DUCE... Fa a te tae wane 1 9c

T6211 Children’s assorted negro and Topsy Faces. Order one right 5

away. Price .. Cc

1T6222-Wire Gauze Masks, good and


T939 Tin Alphabet

strong, assortment ; : i T6212 —As above, | of male and female pRper alee eine Ie for adults.... 1 Oc! faces. Each 1 §¢!colors. Each...... 5c


T6326 Tireless Tops, the nearest approach in the toy world to perpetual motion, heavy met- al disc, blue and white

Price....:.-- 1.0c |sPecd.

Spinditd Top

No. 94—Spinning coil stripes| T°P» spring action, cause color illusion; | 8ttiped. body, trav-

an interesting toy.|¢ls at an enormous Price 10¢

ys Cl ate Banks, neat model in brown and gold, heavy metal. Price each.; “Wigley 3

C12—Lion B hand- some brass ‘models of British lion, with slot for coins. Price 2Qc¢

Trick Pipe

myo TT)

Mae ttt Tt

16290-—Trick Corn Cob Pipe, assorted rubber Blow in the stem and the animal will spring out of the bowl and

animal heads.

innocently look into the face of your surprised friend. Each 1

Unbreakable Kandy Kid Girl

D122—Kandy Kid Junior, girl; made of unbreakable composi- tion; will stand lots of al usage; finished in a street dress

with lawn underwear, imitation shoes and_ stockings.

Pride | 0%.8.., as 25c

The Popular

Pantaloon Boy

_25c ©

D120—Kandy Kid Junior, solid unbreakable material with rom- pers, checked pantaloons, imi- tation shoes and striped stock- ings, lace cum cs and neck, height inches.

Prices!) . trees bed os 25c

No. 673—Submarine and Battleship War Toy, one of the best selling novelites on the market. The outfit includes battleship and submarine, parts of which are interchangeable; submarine has torpedo tube, and when torpedo strikes vital spot, which is a button on the side, the ship is blown up. The operation may be repeated over and over again. Outfit, complete packed in carton.» Price..................... 23c



X22—Very pretty Teddy Bear, still greatly cherished and a universal favorite with little boys and girls. A substantial and lasting pres- ent. Made of fine quality fur sloth, moerebve bead and imbs. Special value

Bn Civ eh Fie Owes 2 5c

C3 Boys’ and Girls’ Watches, are beautifully decora- ted toys with hand-

T987—Piano, rosewood finish;

MEGAPHONE will play several tunes and will | some Alberts to T6270—Toy Megaphone, poate the children by the hour. Page a ge mill: throm thesmclce sande BUGUIUI Bs 0d ve cg Fo.e bbe 50c pi, Oe ea c of strong ‘fibre paper, polished wood mouth piece, Price....... 1 0c

TT TT acatecet TB

T936 Toy Wristlet Watch, the latest toy novelty. Each..1 Oc

T938 Wooden Whis- tle, nicely shaped and turned. Each..... le

No. 868 —Parchesi, a popu- lar game board, size 124% ins. square, complete with men, dice and book of instructions......... 25c


K4—Cap Pistol, nickel finish, 3 inches long. TOG ice c K5—Cap Pistol, nickel finish, 6 inches long. Price........ c Revolvers with repeating ao.

ME dG eck os ottc's i oc ae c 4 K10—Pistol Caps, Star brand, 2 boxes for...... le

EE Mee ok eM Ce aion vide « doa tewee Be (It is a violation of the Postal Laws to send caps by


T6214——Trick Camera, an in- nocent looking device that will create barrels of fun; leatherette covered case, fitted with handles glass lens, nickeled barrel, bulb, and cord; when cord is pulled shutter flies open and snake jumps out, price, . 1 5c


1T6271—Horshoe Magnet, at- tracts steel, red painted top polished ends........ i ot

T6247—A Laughable Novel-

ty, uncoils and recoils, 934 inches, three coils, black hair mustache, Price......... 5c



1T6631—Toy Whistle, is loud sounding, penetrating warble tone, heavy metal,

well nickel plated. Price...... 5c

T6284—“Deviline” Whirl- wind Whistle, extra loud, nickel plated. Price...... Bc

C8—Crokinole Boards, hand- some octay | boards of maple and wal with strong edging,

All beau y oo with set of men, comp!

Price. 66s. .<. 0s me $1.35

Extra set of men..... 20c


703—Clean Cutting Card Punch, polished steel, spring h: le, with set post for cut- ting, knife, the real thing for card parties. Price each '2Qc


No.836—Master Builder, an interesting, instruc- tive and entertaining set for young boys. The out- fit includes structural pieces, bolts, nuts, twine, wheels, braces, stays, and everything required to construct numerous designs. This set will give a boy a wonderful mechanical knowledge and _ will serve as an incentive to think along proper chan- nels. Special value at our price for complete set in a neat compact box with instructions....22¢

Pastry Board 15c

No. 844—Pastry Set, including bake board, rolling pin, pounder, and small plate, very interest- ing for girls. 1 5c

C6—Bell Rattle, with 4 musical bells and celluloid ring on handle.....10c

T6236-Marbles in bag, assorted sizes, polished, including 2 large shooters; al- together 50 marbles in a colored net bag. Price....7e


T937—Rattle, with rub- ber ring, black enamelled handle. Each........ 5c


T6258—Sling Shot, heavy steel, nickel finish, rubber string and leather pocket; shoots straight and strong. Price 10c

T7762—Skipping Rope, a popular skipping rope for girls and boys, made of good strong woven cord rope colored, finished with nicely shaped varnished handles; 80 inches long, price 1


T9--Violin and Bow | T12—Playing Cards, good strong metal body, | quality, in fancy litho- complete with four ereized case, as cut 2 Be strings; in bos. ther Playing Cards at Pricey... . 23% 150 10,15, 20and §Q¢

Folding Checker Board

C19—Folding Checker Boards, in red and black patterns. Prices 1 Qc, 15c, and 2&e¢

No. 313—Domiaoes in boxesat 5, 1 OQ and 25¢