’ :
a $;
Srag CRUSHED | eve
G89—Red Rose Crushed Coffee, the newest process in preparing coffee. It is not ground but crushed, which action removes the skin and leaves nothing but pure coffee broken in small even grains. }4-Ib tins...... 25c EMWU) Siri, aos ce pa ee Ee 45c
G92—Baker’s Breakfast Co- coa is nutritious and delicious; palatable drinks can be made either with milk or water. 1 0 1-5th thtin. i. .2.00 C
G92—\4-lb tin.......136¢ G93— lb tin....... 23¢ G94—1-lb tin. .......456¢
Slew — CAE Tar we oo PUERIME
85—Oxo in cubes or in bottles makes @ nutritious and deli- cious beef drink; 4 cubes in tin bax’. oss cee cee 1 Oc 10:cubeém ..... ie. 2 5s or in bottles at 25, 50 an 75c.
87—Steero — made of same matérial as Oxo. 4 cubes for 7B... 6. 6. 1 Oc 10 cubes for. ......... 25c
JELL-O POWDERS 4 Three Ae For 25c net giao, Jelly, Powders)
made; Peony, orange, lem- on, raspberry an eee sl 0 c 25c
ed flavors. Per pkg.... BODOCS PG ios <8.
No, 96—Knox’s Gelatine granulated or acidulated, will
x make 2 quarts of ielly-4 5 Cc
\Per package..........- : No. 97—Cox’s Gelatine, will make 2 quarts of jelly. 49 Per package. .... wens Cc No. 98—French Leaf Gela- tine, in bulk, better value than in packages. Price, OUNCE 22... ee ween
Chase & Sanborn’s Coffee
No. 90—Chase and =
ee or Maes ran offee, sold bene’ r
in tins only; it is at eae
particularly flavory r gh P
and fine; absolutely }
pure, per fb
VADs 215s tr 45c No. 91—Chase and Sanborn’s Blend of
Mocha’ and Java in the bean; it is very
‘COFFEE OTA: YW s1O]ethe
finely flavoured and of a nice dark lriADE :
Pet Ibi.) 006 cay eee
ground fresh,
No. 910--Oak Brand Condensed Milk, sweeten- ed, a rich, pure, healthy
roduct, per can....15¢ er dozen cans. $1.50
No. 912—Lion Brand Conmeeae Milk, To. ed, Dér CAi.g 605.5 Per dozen cans.. $1.2 e
No. 982—Jersey Evapo- rated Creamy per tin 1 2c Per dozen tins... $1,
No. 983-—-Clover Brand Condensed Milk, per tii ears x 2c Per dozen $1.25
102—-Reindeer Brand Pre- pared Coffee, addition of hot water, all that is neces- sary; made ie fine coffee, fresh cream anc ye
i C
sugar. Pertin.....
Dozen tins...... $2.75
G193—Instant Postum Cer- eal, a concentrated prepara- tion, requires no boiling or steeping, a level spoonful in a cup of boiling water is all that is required to prepare a delicious drink containing none of the habit-forming drugs such as tannin and caffeine which are found in
Per quarter pound... ve Oc
# tea and coffee; ready in an
No. 92—Postum Cereal, for those who cannot drink coffee, this is something that will satisfy. It has the flavor and appearance of the finest coffee. It is, however, made from wheat, broken and roasted. Used precisely as coffee. Per package.......c.sscsecees 1 5c TOME. |... ss co ae oe Ad CM Ob 25c
No. 31—Camp Coffee, is a highly concentrated essence made from carefully selected and blended coffees of the high- est quality, with a suitable pro- portion of choice and pure cane sugar; it is made by a special process whereby the flavor and delicious aroma of fresh coffee beans is retained.
P Wotan. 6... ~2ac
pe eee and Blackwell’s Essence of Coffee, very delicious. Bottle...... 20c
No. 2262 Seeded Raisins, Grifin & Skelley Brand, particularly good | 3c
baking, per pkg..... , Per dozen.......$ 1.55
225—The finest quali- ty of Seedless Raisins, Griffin & Skelley brand, extra choice, good size and color, carefully wrapped in parchment paper and packed in sealed packages with all their natural flavor and freshness retain- ed, per tb pkg... 1 4c
Dozen pkgs . $1.55
ee UT init
ett } OFF eat Es Ane
We recommend and guarantee Holman’s Reliance Blend Tea as being a particularly high quality. It is delightful and satisfying, and pos- sesses the peculiarly pleasing flavor found only in the most expensive grades. There is an in- creasing demand each season for this brand. If you want to realize tea satisfaction don't delay in sending in a trial order. T81—Reliance Blend, in bulk, per Ib... 36¢ T81—5 tb lots, per tb 34c T83—5 lbs. in a strong convenient size tin box
with hinged cover, suitable for tea canister or
pastry box.: Pride. ....:....<..06 1.90 TS4—10 tb tin boxes. 5 ..6.6..J). 00/5 3.70 T85—20 th caddies, per tb............. 3i1c
Sm tm eee eff
° Sovereign Blend Tea Sovereign Blend Tea will be found a i strong flavory tea at a popular price. } T87—Per tb, bulk.............. 3i1c T88—5 Ib lots, per Ib........... 29c | T89—20 Ib caddies, per Ib...... 28c / | T90—60 tb chests, per th. ...... 27c T888—Brahmin, in bulk, strong, dark j and coarse in the leaf, per Ib.. 34¢ j
et ee ey tree,
G631—Holman’s English Breakfast Tea is exquisitely flavored and delight- fully aromatic; the highest quality tea that we can offer and is worth more than our price. If you appreciate something unusually choice—if you want a tea that you will be proud to serve, send a trial
6 Os rs Ps Pt gs Pk pg
order. Put up in airtight lead
packages, Per lb. <>... . 3... 45c 7a-5 Th lots, por 1D 3... ee Lok 43c ta 20 tb lote; per Ib. TS eR 42c
SES ae
No. 171—A pet food made light and short by shredding, easily digested. LAIGO DAQMENE ess iy Bite SUR: obs caged 1 3c
TOA, Shock oes 25c DRIED FRUITS
No. 161—Cleaned Currants, imported direct from Greece, per tb packaner, se bae 1 4c ME COME ss nok wi Vek cio ees 1.55 No. 11272—Prunes, the best pack “that money can buy; size 80 to 90, per tb... ... 60 to 70.1 Oc 50 to 60..13¢ oe 1
for... Cees
u c No. 128—Evaporated Apricots, per tb
No. 130—Dates, per 1 tb package. or : No. 131—Dromedary Dates, (Arabian) 12c 931A—4-crown Muscatel California Raisins,
Der IDs. cade cites ee 12c eer (rable Pigs: ie2k: $1.10
—Table Figs, }4-tb bricks... 736 1 tb brie! ee ae Seis Berbera 6a ae {4
934—Cooking Figs, pertb...........
No. 612—Jelly Powders, strawberry, raspberry, lem- on, orange, vanilla, cherry,
chocolate, banana, price meper package........ 10c OR Sis Sree s 25c
» Pure Gold Icing, in the eabas colors and flavor- Ings:— pink, white, vanilla,
ocolate, maple, price per
OKAZC .: .s dcdusieiiens 12c _ Pulverized Sugar, in 1-th ‘gin bulk, per be 1OGe3 tee
Paris Lumps, in bulk, per'lb......... 1 Domino Lumps, per 5-tb box........ 5
» ;
No. 976—Roman Meal food preparation that will
and all kinds of baking
bone, brain, nerve, and supply alkaline salts to the blood; corrects and improves actually prevents relieves constipation; used for porridge
. t Per package... Phe 23c
R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Spring and Summer Catalog No. 15, 1916 ROMAN MEAL .
is a scientific build muscle,
720—Quaker Cornmeai, no better cornmeal can be made than this; it is the best selected corn, double kiln dried and ground in one of Canada’s iargest mills. It has an enviable
the whole berry of the finest northern wheat combined with barley malt which makes it so easily digested. Has ae = malt and strengt of wheat,
per large pkg....:.. 20c
F21—Corn Flakes require no cooking, won its ‘favor thru its flavor.”’ The whole corn flaked and toasted to a delicious crisp. Per
large package....... Cc Per dozen pkgs. $1.00
824—Royal Yeast Cakes— This is undoubtedly the most convenient way to use
yeast; no worry, no-trouble, always ready .to use. ;
Per package..........
231—Easter Brand Raisins, our biggest seller, per 1-tb package........ 1 Cc
Per dozen pkgs.. $1,50
reputation. Per tc. MORO 4 a's ory Seis 1 Oc a MMOOTOR Yass <n ce ae 28c
Ogilvy’s Cornmeal for table
F18—Malt Breakfast Food,
Puffed Wheat
Quaker Puffed Wheat
“the food that’s shot from guns."’ The whole vheat cooked by steam and puffed, is most nutritious and a food ar retains ” the wholesomeness o:
| Seder xs the grain. Pkg. 1 2c 89—Quaker Puffed Rice is another new breakfast food prepared by a most in- genious method. uaker Rice is not only wonderful- ly wholesome, but is an ex- cellent substitute for nuts in candies,
Pkg..:.. we 15¢
“3 |7| G834 — Post Toasties
— made of delicious crisp ay gaand flaked corn; a
f tasty and_ nutritious
(7] breakfast ous Oc ..25¢
per package... Three for. ...::. 2
In Round Packages
mad ii=——ES
F16—Quaker Oats, best on the market, from the finest white oats, absolutely free from hulls,
premium ig cach, lore! Ualline, OAS urge package....... 25c Smaller size........ 10¢c
No. 20—Self Rising Buckwheat, requires neither salt, yeast or baking powder; for griddle cakes, gems, ete: Per pkg...... 1 5c Two for |... +, Rte Pee Gah 6.0 bak ...25¢
F19-Grape Nuts, ready for instant use; it is a condensed food and is most delicious, adapted for morning, noon and night; a list of exquisite
ipes with each package. Price.. 1 5C
F17—Cream of Wheat is
absolutely pure, contains nothing but the best of wheat; it is one of the most delicate and delicious break- fast foods and is highly nutritious; is also adapted foe. puddings, seme or pan- cakes. rice per
ei pke se os. 22c