972—Canned Apples, served with their natural de- licious flavor; useful for pies,

Pier 318

d sauce, puddings, etc., per =“ BS ey aes ae ot Oc yy) to ae or 2 BE oan. ;

973—Gallon cans, ea 12 8c , Per dosen 3.55.53. $3.00

Mi ee

Per dozen cans.


Yellow Peaches,

perfectly ripened fruit, pre-

and packed with the

greatest care, very superior

quality. Per 2 poe 5c



G663— National Brand Salmon is a ood quality British Columbia pink sal- mon. rice er can..... 1 4c ozen... $1.40 G664— Diamond C is a particularly choice red salmon noted = its deli- cious flavor, er can....+ 2 Oc ozen... $2.25

C937—Strawber- ries, excellent qual- ity and flavor 1 Per can.....

Dozen... $2.25

Read This

The word 2-pound, when applied to canned goods, is only a trade term to distinguish the size an is no guarantee that the contents will weigh every ounce of that weight.


61 Marinated Sardines are one of the most popular an we ever

imported, per cane ae 15c Trw0f08%'. «.. 27¢

i 888 Scallops,

Tice r

eae‘? :.)- 20

Dozen... $2.25 889 —Mackerel,

oo" 12 $1.25




quality of selected lams, good size,

aa wash-

ed and pack-

ed, per tin.. ,! Oc

Dozen... $1


ona ads

Ries y am Ppcenenneateger ts

918 Smoked Sliced Beef, No. 1. Price per Ta ska veh

C Dozen... $3.75

919 Smoked Sliced Beef, No. 2. Price per

920 Smoked Sliced Beef, in glass

No. 925—Lunch Tongue, per 4 1 TS es

No. 916—Lunch ‘jnnuadin comreniane orm for t "°20c

table, can. .$3.5

Dozen. . 9 No. 9 1 7—Lunc

Beef, price eT Can..... 3 Oc ozen. 3. -50 No. 921—Devilled Ham, excellent for

Price, riches,

larereit sO OCgD tn. OC

Dozen... $2.7 §'%-lb tin..... 12¢ Three for


G704%— Fine Gold- en Wax Beans, price per = 0

5 ideale aes Cc Per dozen 2-th tins

.00 25c

Three in




G69—Peas, care- ully preserved and

G6s— Canadian

French Peas, high grade,


flavor to the

imported article, 2-

sand "4 5c

2ach Per isenh cans ..

672—Pilot Brand Kippered meeerati@oagier tall, fl c..,....... 1 2c Per dozen tins..... 673—Herring in rare treat at this season; will make a dainty and delightful dish. rer 4 5 c

Tomato Sauce—a

CAD , 2 0:0 0 00.0 ss p06 oe ee Meee be

Per dozen cans... ...... Ss $1.30 883—Herring in bouillon, i


Per dozen cans..;...... .@e> oo

884—Herring, in pene Venus Brand, per can.......... 1 2c Per dozen Cans.....%......+% $1.10

912—Brunswick Brand Sar- dines, pertins 7-72... 6. stay 6c Fout for... : 2s: sae5 sas aes 20c


G6—Canned Pumpkin, good

grade. Pert Gh. ce. cadet aay 1 Oc

Threailors 4:G4-45.4o5 bos cee ee 28c

Pat tidsen- G00 «orks der ay $1.10 G7—Canned Squash, price per

titted 9 ES. heheh EE 1 Oc

Tsee TENS 108) oe 92 hos cee 28c Per dozen tins. .....¢........ $1.10

We sell only reliable quality Canned Goods


ig » Cross- s) rand, per CON. cc ccwces yi . 1 5c

POSORS sss: s'o-cc0cd 28c ere

delicious, pure olive erin <.: ai

. : : ipa MAMADD f


Holbrook’s Imported Sardines are particularly choice and packed oil

.. 15¢

Two fori. Fn

C881—Deep Sea Lobster, good quality, swore meat,

4g-lb can, special value, each...:...-- 1 8c C881 Lobster, small

meat, suitable for salads, per tin...... 2 5c C882—— Lobster, saat meat a toothsome table delicacy, 1-tb can.. .30c C808-Fine Quality Tmport- ed Shrimps, strictly fresh and pure,



C887—Finnan Haddies Price per nas CAM... eee ee eeve

Per dozen... $1.30

- J

THREE For Only


No. G10—Good wholesome and Choice Toma- toes, finest of red ripe fruit, delicious flavor. ¢ Snaier value, er 3- can..... LIC Three for 3 0c



G72 Order a dozen

329—French Capers, per ual .20¢ 330—Junket Powder, Crosse & Black-

wells, each 1 cdoz eo ba $1.50 331—Rennet Ta lets, Crosse & Black-

well’s, pkg 1 Scdoz...... $1.50 332— Celery Salt, per package... i 2c NEE sc A = co OO oc 5 25 333-—Curry Powder, per bottle... 1 2c NOM 55 1Gel sso Bice cok’ s .30 335—Lea & Perrin’s Worcester Sauce, bottle 40c, doz.. $4.25 337—Holbrook’s Sauce per bottle......30c Dagens os $2.50 338—Patterson Sauce

per bottle....... ;* 5c Dee sks ia 5 339—Preserved eid per bottle....... 25c 340—Honey, per 8-oz. bottle:...3 0c DOGG... tess tae, + 3s od .00 341—Honey, per 6-oz. bottle....25¢ ERGY § thn e's 3 04 03 $2.65 342—-Honey in comb, price..... 25c¢ Re oo cee wine ties 's .65 343—Essence Vinegar, per bot...2 5c¢ 346—Maraschino Cherries, 8-oz..2 5c

347—Maraschino Cherries, 16-02 5Oc 348—-Paprika Pepper, per pkg... c 349—Tabasco Sauce, per bottle. 5Oc


Olive Oil

350 Salad Oil, reput- ed qts. each. 1.15 351—Salad Oil, reput- ed pts., each. c 352—Salad Oil, reput- ed %-pts, each.. Y-pt, each.....



cut vegetables |i

eeoet and sea- soned; delightfully ap- t | petizing.


G198—Whethey’s Mince 3 . anata ae zo a Meat, in %-lb paeksarss ; atau Ee , house, per 2-lb well known and _ highly Conse canta. 1 0c recommended. Per fy 0 Three for....... 28c PACKAGE. ons 06s os Cc Per dozen. oS 1. 10 Per dozen. $1 1. Oo o

P69—Monarch Mixed Pickles,

per 40-oz. bottle............... Bc

DOME 966.0 sis 8. a6 .10 P70—Monarch * Chow nee

per 40-os. bottle... 2. .4....0.0% 30¢

WAOMMI oh os inie'd i da kin os oo

P71—McCready Mixed [oe

per 20 oz. bottle....

Dozen ‘§ \ P72—McCready’s Chow Chow

per 20-oz. bottle..........,.... 2

DOR is iio GE ee cen 'k $2.00

Vinegar in Bulk

353—Heinz White Wine Pick- ling. Vinegar, per gallon........ 6 Oc EM GUGrC JTS... 005s. +. oR 354—English Malt Vinegar, per ~galles a oss tee ae 355—Special Pickoing Vinegar per MONI 357s 6s toss cee 6 Oc 356—XXX White Wine Vine- gar, per gallon eae Oc 358—X pple Cider Vine- eas; per gallon «60.35 Fo: 4 Oc


No. 74—Heinz Prepared Mustard, put up under fs Pure Food Law and is unquestionably a very superior brand. Per bottle.:........... 1 5c

25c 60c

Campbell’s Soups Two Cans For 25c¢

G661—Campbell’s Soups are too well known to need special introduction; the essence of purity, freshness and whole- someness; in the following varieties:— Oxtail, pea, vegetable, chicken, tomato, okra, gumbo, mutton broth, printainer, mulligs ntawny, celery, bouillon, pepper- pot, clam chowder, clam bouillon, ver-

micelli, consomme, asparagus, gh

mock turtle and julienne, grea 2} GEE. URE Sisie 0 he we ION BE. 5%07 Cc MENTOR SNies ¢ Ga rt Ve aees 25c

Per dosen:tins. ..3.......+5 $1.40 927—-Clark’s Pea Soup, per can.. 1 Oc $1.05

Per dozen cans........... te

G11 Absolute- ly pure Canned Is- land Chicken, is in- spected by the gov- ernment, quality is guaranteed, spec-

lally priced, Pen, tin... 3:44 '20c -10


A delectable and dainty dessert, put up in the following

styles:— i G77 —Gratec

2-tb can. ‘1 2g Dozen

G89 osc

2-Ib can .. i 20 Dozen. =} 2. 20

G73 Cream Corn for table use—can be served in in- numerable different ways; order by the dozen cans, it means a saving, per

2-10 can... 1OC Three for. . .25¢ Dozen... $ 1 .00 G74— es fine corn anc

beans. Can 1 Oc Three for....2 5c Dosen. . .$ 1. +0 Oo


G78 Siiidoge 2-Ib can.. Dozen..



G662 Clark's B30

Corned Beef, put

314—Blueberries, per can. SBONOR. Mca ae,s «s 315—Red Raspberries, 2-lb can

Lombard Plums, 2. Dosen . asm. 34's

Pe tay Macrae ts Ate

G4 Griffin & Skelley’s California Asparagus is of fine paeiy aod care- ully packed,

Rer tin... ... 3 Oc

G5 Dominion Canadian Aspara- gus Tips, of extra

di aoc

Canned Fruits

$1:26 i

8 an


up under the pure

food lawand is gov-| p bom een 2-Ib cans, eh 53°

ernment inspect- Dover’: dota OMEN. hl Sralsipes + oe Ce $1 * oO

1, ~ tt eanee ss Oe

Dozen... 3.50

Mush- rooms

G993_— Choice French Mushrooms aparticularly tooth- some b ogmon im-

orted in 1 fy tins, each, 2 SC ree for.... 7 Oc Dozen... $2.75



G74 Fresh juicy Pears, packed in

i all their natural de-


2-Ib can. uae 5c Dozen... $1.70

981—Clark’s Pork and

Crosse & Blackwell’s

bi ek ae is Black~ well’s Mixed Pickles pint bottles, each . a 5c + Sa tees. B Black— well’s Mixed Pickles 44-pint bottles, Rade 5c at. Cemens Black- well’s iow ow %-pint bottles, each 2 5c

ard; plain:— No. 1, per can.

No. 2, per can. Bhosan....seuanue

Dozen! . 5 eae

a - per can,....

Beans are famous and reco; e nized as the highest stan



982—Clark’ s,Pork orl Beans with tomato rapes:

Holman’s are Guaranteed

P per bottle... oe 28c



be exactly as


Per 4 oz. can...,.. Per 16 oz. can, ..:.


20G fen

Doszen.,{..27..: 2.20 | Nol, Ormcan. . is ss Dosen «swan na nok Holbrook’s White | No. 2: were ger Doses; - tae = | 4 n 3,"per.can..... 1 &¢* Dozen...... prloge ; Pie sf pinta be 983—Clark’s Pork and Beans, Chili S83 pron. i $8, 50 No. 1, perean....... c Dosen... a9 44-pint bottie.. "2 | No. 2; percan..... 12c Dozen oxen. ieee .20 No. 3, per can..... 5c _ Dozen.. 819—Royal is 316

be absolutely pure:—

Y'S ie. See ears ee 820—Dearborn’s is guaran- teed absolutely pure:— 2 7. Pcie Ry. ¢

831—-Magic makes the oui est and brightest biscuit,



