972—Canned Apples, served with their natural de- licious flavor; useful for pies, Pier 318 d sauce, puddings, etc., per =“ BS ey aes ae ot Oc yy) to ae or 2 BE oan. ; 973—Gallon cans, ea 12 8c , Per dosen 3.55.53. $3.00 Mi ee Per dozen cans. ANI — Yellow Peaches, perfectly ripened fruit, pre- and packed with the greatest care, very superior quality. Per 2 poe 5c -$1.70 UMITED e LONTREA G663— National Brand Salmon is a ood quality British Columbia pink sal- mon. rice er can..... 1 4c ozen... $1.40 G664— Diamond C is a particularly choice red salmon noted = its deli- cious flavor, er can....+ 2 Oc ozen... $2.25 C937—Strawber- ries, excellent qual- ity and flavor 1 Per can..... Dozen... $2.25 Read This The word 2-pound, when applied to canned goods, is only a trade term to distinguish the size an is no guarantee that the contents will weigh every ounce of that weight. CANNED FIS' 61 — Marinated Sardines are one of the most popular an we ever imported, per cane ae 15c Trw0f08%'. «.. 27¢ i 888 — Scallops, Tice r eae‘? :.)- 20 Dozen... $2.25 889 —Mackerel, oo" 12 $1.25 Dozen... Clams Special quality of selected lams, good size, aa — wash- ed and pack- ed, per tin.. ,! Oc Dozen... $1 SLICED ona ads Ries y am Ppcenenneateger ts 918 — Smoked Sliced Beef, No. 1. Price per Ta ska veh C Dozen... $3.75 919 — Smoked Sliced Beef, No. 2. Price per 920 — Smoked Sliced Beef, in glass No. 925—Lunch Tongue, per 4 1 TS es No. 916—Lunch ‘jnnuadin comreniane orm for t "°20c table, can. .$3.5 Dozen. . 9 No. 9 1 7—Lunc Beef, price eT Can..... 3 Oc ozen. 3. -50 No. 921—Devilled Ham, excellent for Price, riches, larereit sO OCgD tn. OC Dozen... $2.7 §'%-lb tin..... 12¢ Three for 25c G704%— Fine Gold- en Wax Beans, price per = 0 5 ideale aes Cc Per dozen 2-th tins .00 25c Three in CHOICE CANNED PEAS f 9 G69—Peas, care- ully preserved and G6s— Canadian French Peas, high grade, pronounced flavor to the imported article, 2- sand — "4 5c 2ach Per isenh cans .. 672—Pilot Brand Kippered meeerati@oagier tall, fl c..,....... 1 2c Per dozen tins..... 673—Herring in rare treat at this season; will make a dainty and delightful dish. rer 4 5 c Tomato Sauce—a CAD , 2 0:0 0 00.0 ss p06 oe ee Meee be Per dozen cans... ...... Ss $1.30 883—Herring in bouillon, i WEOEERG ee, OP Oc Per dozen cans..;...... .@e> oo 884—Herring, in pene Venus Brand, per can.......... 1 2c Per dozen Cans.....%......+% $1.10 912—Brunswick Brand Sar- dines, pertins 7-72... 6. stay 6c Fout for... : 2s: sae5 sas aes 20c PUMPKIN AND SQUASH G6—Canned Pumpkin, good grade. Pert Gh. ce. cadet aay 1 Oc Threailors 4:G4-45.4o5 bos cee ee 28c Pat tidsen- G00 «orks der ay $1.10 G7—Canned Squash, price per titted 9 ES. heheh EE 1 Oc Tsee TENS 108) oe 92 hos cee 28c Per dozen tins. .....¢........ $1.10 We sell only reliable quality Canned Goods a ig » Cross- s) rand, per CON. cc ccwces yi . 1 5c POSORS sss: s'o-cc0cd 28c ere delicious, pure olive erin <.: ai . : : ipa MAMADD f iam Holbrook’s Imported Sardines are particularly choice and packed oil .. 15¢ Two fori. Fn C881—Deep Sea Lobster, good quality, swore meat, 4g-lb can, special value, each...:...-- 1 8c C881 — Lobster, small meat, suitable for salads, per tin...... 2 5c C882—— Lobster, saat meat a toothsome table delicacy, 1-tb can.. .30c C808-Fine Quality Tmport- ed Shrimps, strictly fresh and pure, in 28c C887—Finnan Haddies Price per nas CAM... eee ee eeve Per dozen... $1.30 - J THREE For Only 30c No. G10—Good wholesome and Choice Toma- toes, finest of red ripe fruit, delicious flavor. ¢ Snaier value, er 3- can..... LIC Three for 3 0c & MINCE G72 — Order a dozen 329—French Capers, per ual .20¢ 330—Junket Powder, Crosse & Black- wells, each 1 cdoz eo ba $1.50 331—Rennet Ta lets, Crosse & Black- well’s, pkg 1 Scdoz...... $1.50 332— Celery Salt, per package... i 2c NEE sc A = co OO oc 5 5» 25 333-—Curry Powder, per bottle... 1 2c NOM 55 1Gel sso Bice cok’ s .30 335—Lea & Perrin’s Worcester Sauce, bottle 40c, doz.. $4.25 337—Holbrook’s Sauce per bottle......30c Dagens os $2.50 338—Patterson Sauce per bottle....... ;* 5c Dee sks ia 5 339—Preserved eid per bottle....... 25c 340—Honey, per 8-oz. bottle:...3 0c DOGG... tess tae, + 3s od .00 341—Honey, per 6-oz. bottle....25¢ ERGY § thn e's 3 04 03 $2.65 342—-Honey in comb, price..... 25c¢ Re oo cee wine ties 's .65 343—Essence Vinegar, per bot...2 5c¢ 346—Maraschino Cherries, 8-oz..2 5c 347—Maraschino Cherries, 16-02 5Oc 348—-Paprika Pepper, per pkg... c 349—Tabasco Sauce, per bottle. 5Oc PURE Olive Oil 350 — Salad Oil, reput- ed qts. each. 1.15 351—Salad Oil, reput- ed pts., each. c 352—Salad Oil, reput- ed %-pts, each.. Y-pt, each..... INDIA RELISH PER BOT. cut vegetables |i eeoet and sea- soned; delightfully ap- t | petizing. MEAT G198—Whethey’s Mince 3 . anata ae zo a Meat, in %-lb paeksarss ; atau Ee , house, per 2-lb well known and _ highly Conse canta. 1 0c recommended. Per fy 0 Three for....... 28c PACKAGE. ons 06s os Cc Per dozen. oS 1. 10 Per dozen. $1 1. Oo o P69—Monarch Mixed Pickles, per 40-oz. bottle............... Bc DOME 966.0 sis 8. a6 .10 P70—Monarch * Chow nee per 40-os. bottle... 2. .4....0.0% 30¢ WAOMMI oh os inie'd i da kin os oo P71—McCready Mixed [oe per 20 oz. bottle.... Dozen ‘§ \ P72—McCready’s Chow Chow per 20-oz. bottle..........,.... 2 DOR is iio GE ee cen 'k $2.00 Vinegar in Bulk 353—Heinz White Wine Pick- ling. Vinegar, per gallon........ 6 Oc EM GUGrC JTS... 005s. +. oR 354—English Malt Vinegar, per ~galles a oss tee ae 355—Special Pickoing Vinegar per MONI 357s 6s toss cee 6 Oc 356—XXX White Wine Vine- gar, per gallon eae Oc 358—X pple Cider Vine- eas; per gallon «60.35 Fo: 4 Oc - HEINZ MUSTARD No. 74—Heinz Prepared Mustard, put up under fs Pure Food Law and is unquestionably a very superior brand. Per bottle.:........... 1 5c 25c 60c Campbell’s Soups Two Cans For 25c¢ G661—Campbell’s Soups are too well known to need special introduction; the essence of purity, freshness and whole- someness; in the following varieties:— Oxtail, pea, vegetable, chicken, tomato, okra, gumbo, mutton broth, printainer, mulligs ntawny, celery, bouillon, pepper- pot, clam chowder, clam bouillon, ver- micelli, consomme, asparagus, gh mock turtle and julienne, grea 2} GEE. URE Sisie 0 he we ION BE. 5%07 Cc MENTOR SNies ¢ Ga rt Ve aees 25c Per dosen:tins. ..3.......+5 $1.40 927—-Clark’s Pea Soup, per can.. 1 Oc $1.05 Per dozen cans........... te G11 — Absolute- ly pure Canned Is- land Chicken, is in- spected by the gov- ernment, quality is guaranteed, spec- lally priced, Pen, tin... 3:44 '20c -10 -$2 PINEAPPLE A delectable and dainty dessert, put up in the following styles:— i G77 —Gratec 2-tb can. ‘1 2g Dozen G89 osc 2-Ib can .. i 20 Dozen. =} 2. 20 G73 — Cream Corn for table use—can be served in in- numerable different ways; order by the dozen cans, it means a saving, per 2-10 can... 1OC Three for. . .25¢ Dozen... $ 1 .00 G74— es fine corn anc beans. Can 1 Oc Three for....2 5c Dosen. . .$ 1. +0 Oo Dozen. G78 Siiidoge 2-Ib can.. Dozen.. Dozen Dozen G662 Clark's B30 Corned Beef, put 314—Blueberries, per can. SBONOR. Mca ae,s «s 315—Red Raspberries, 2-lb can Lombard Plums, 2. Dosen . asm. 34's Pe tay Macrae ts Ate G4 — Griffin & Skelley’s California Asparagus is of fine paeiy aod care- ully packed, Rer tin... ... 3 Oc G5 — Dominion Canadian Aspara- gus Tips, of extra di aoc Canned Fruits $1:26 i 8 an i up under the pure food lawand is gov-| p bom een 2-Ib cans, eh 53° ernment inspect- Dover’: dota OMEN. hl Sralsipes + oe Ce $1 * oO 1, ~ tt eanee ss Oe Dozen... -§ 3.50 Mush- rooms G993_— Choice French Mushrooms aparticularly tooth- some b ogmon im- orted in 1 fy tins, each, 2 SC ree for.... 7 Oc Dozen... $2.75 Pears 15c G74 — Fresh juicy Pears, packed in i all their natural de- liciousness. 2-Ib can. uae 5c Dozen... $1.70 981—Clark’s Pork and Crosse & Blackwell’s bi ek ae is Black~ well’s Mixed Pickles pint bottles, each . a 5c + Sa tees. B Black— well’s Mixed Pickles 44-pint bottles, Rade 5c at. Cemens Black- well’s iow ow %-pint bottles, each 2 5c ard; plain:— No. 1, per can. No. 2, per can. Bhosan....seuanue Dozen! . 5 eae a - per can,.... Beans are famous and reco; e nized as the highest stan le 136 “ 982—Clark’ s,Pork orl Beans with tomato rapes: Holman’s are Guaranteed P per bottle... oe 28c represented Pickles be exactly as to Per 4 oz. can...,.. Per 16 oz. can, ..:. ete. 20G fen Doszen.,{..27..: 2.20 | Nol, Ormcan. . is ss Dosen «swan na nok Holbrook’s White | No. 2: were ger Doses; - tae = | 4 n 3,"per.can..... 1 &¢* Dozen...... prloge ; Pie sf pinta be 983—Clark’s Pork and Beans, — Chili S83 pron. i $8, 50 No. 1, perean....... c Dosen... a9 44-pint bottie.. "2 6¢ | No. 2; percan..... 12c Dozen oxen. ieee .20 No. 3, per can..... 5c _ Dozen.. 819—Royal is 316 be absolutely pure:— Y'S ie. See ears ee 820—Dearborn’s is guaran- teed absolutely pure:— 2 7. Pcie Ry. ¢ 831—-Magic makes the oui est and brightest biscuit, ‘if cake, $3:88 ce