by a fair number of the membership. For the first competition of the fall they chose sides and shot three, six-target matches. Rowan FitzGerald arrived a bit late and shot the last two matches as an independent :

Davies 101111 5 o10T10 2% 010011 3 10% Peters 111117 5% 111111 6 101l11% 4% 16%

Haszard 101000 2 101110 3% 110011 3% 9%

Peake 110110 4 000110 2 #4001010 2 8 16% 14% 134% Hyndman 010111 4 #111001 4 «011110 4 ~#« 12 Hobkirk 011101 4 110011 4 49111110 5 13 Longworth 001110 3 100111 4 # #4«©94111011 5 #12 Richards 000101 2 121110 4% 101011 4 10% 13 16% 18 Fitzgerald 1llllls6~—S—si1T0110 3%

President Blanchard had been ill for most of the fall, and was not present for the annual meeting. From the Club's recorded minutes, we follow the

‘meetings format:

-"The annual meeting of the Belvidere Gun Club was held this Saturday 19th, October 1889 at the residence of Walter Mellett, Union Road.

-Present--R. R. FitzGerald, L. H. Davies, A. Peters, Geo. Peake, F. L. Haszard, F. W. Hyndman, W. C. Hobkirk, John Richards. A. B. Warburton and J. A. Longworth.

-The Vice-President, W. C. Hobkirk in the chair.

-Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.

-Accounts for the past year read and adopted.

