Our Association is young, having been formed only a few months, but because of the formation, many new clubs are springing up, and undoubtedly the next year will see a great boom in this very popular form of recreation.

Herewith I enclose copies of our proposed programme of the first Assn. Tournament which I trust you will find interesting. Since these have been struck off, we are in receipt of a trophy from the Dominion Ctge. Co., Montreal, valued at $100. This will be shot for on the dates of our tournament, but we have not yet definitely decided how we shall feature it.

We hope to see a good crowd of shooters over here for the big event, and we trust that your club will be very fortunate in its winnings.

I enclose also, copy of Interstate rules under which we shoot.

Will be delighted if at anytime, I can be of service to your club or its officers.

Yours very truly, Fred McGee Pres. M.P.T.A."

The first M.P.T.A. Tournament referred to in

McGee's letter, was slated for early July at Port Elgin, and, because it was still early spring, there was not much enthusiasm, related to it, among the Newstead membership...besides, President Hyndman had just advised the members that in mid-April Her Majesty's Steamship Cornwall would be in Charlottetown, and the ship's officers had been in- vited to spend an afternoon of sport, and fellowship, at Inkerman, as guests of the gun club. The members were assessed $1.75 each to defray the expenses of the

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