east end which, for a period of time, was going to cost the Club members the sum of $250.00. The next day, at the Bank of Montreal, seven members; Frank Heartz, Bill Weeks, Dan MacKinnon, Ted Coombs, Charles Leigh, John Hyndman, and Keith Rogers, affixed their names to a note, and the Provincial Rifle Association began construction of their bungalow.
The summer wore on and the building proceeded. On October 16th, a special bulletin was issued to all members of th gun club advising them of the clubhouse, and urging their participation in helping to cover the dollars;
"To The Members:
On July 16th, a meeting of the club, of which due notice was given, was held to decide upon the advisability of taking steps to secure for present and future use a portion of the new bungalow then being erected by the Provincial Rifle Association on the Kensington Rifle Range. As the eventual cost of the building was expected to be borne by the Department of Milita, anda telegram to that effect was received, those present decided to make a temporary contribution to the amount of $250 on behalf of the Gun Club to secure our share of the building, namely one room 30° x 15° laid out for the Club's use, and with outlook toward the East River. This room is now completed and ready for immediate occupancy, and will, no doubt, be a very spacious and suitable location for a permanent home for the Newstead Gun Club, which will be available at all seasons free of rent, and it is hoped will be in use for many years to come.
In the meantime, and due to the
outbreak of war, the financial engagements of the Militia Department with the Provincial