Allie Foster, Andy Likely, Heber Jones, and Walter Lepage. The Club had, through lawyer Elmer Blanchard, become Incorported as "The Charlottetown Gun Club,' in anticipation that trapshooting was not too far away, and, finally, the use of clay targets had increased to a point where it was advantageous to purchase them directly from Nelson Long in Hamilton, Ontario, in quantities of 50 cases or more. The final shoot of the season, on September 24th, was billed as the Club Championship, and Glydon Willis' 45 x 50 won him the title for the second year in a row. Following shooting, the tradition of getting together with wives at Wallace and Sally Rodd's home for a turkey dinner and annual meeting was continued, and Monday's Guardian, reported it as follows: "The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of a life membership to O. S. Harper for his tireless effort in promoting skeet shooting in this province. - The presentation was made by President T. M. Gillies who then gave his annual report. A beautiful bunch of American Beauty roses was presented to Gloria Atkinson, a recent bride of Ron Atkinson ,who was given a fur lined (with respect to Art Hogan) pot followed by a beautiful set of bookends. Secretary/Treasurer, Art Hogan then presented the financial statement of the Club and all present were very much enthused with the report. A new slate of officers were elected for the coming year and are as follows: President Ron Atkinson; Vice-President, Glydon Willis; Secretary/Treasurer, Hugh Simpson; Direcotrs Dr. Bill Hogg, Howard Douglas and Wylie Bryenton. Past President, T. M. Gillies. Badges were presented to the winners and --180--