It was bright enough to light up the entire countryside and was seen by many people. Such events were not well understood in those days and so it was viewed with wonder and alarm through- out the entire region. It would have made a spectacular impression on the people of Crayford in the hours just before Vere was born, and would have been the main topic of conversation on his birth- day. When Vere made his appearance, could you blame family and friends for possibly thinking that this child might be exceptional?
‘The Meteor cf August 18, 1783, as seen from the East Angle cf the North Terrace, Windsor Castle. Artist Paul Sandby, 1783.
After his spectacular arrival Vere quietly took his place in the Beck family. He was the fifth child of John and Lucy Beck. John was a cal- ico printer and had been in partnership with two other men, John and Robert Buchanan. They dissolved their partnership on April 8, 1783, about four months before Vere was born, and went their sepa- rate ways. It’s believed that John continued to work on his own in the calico business in Crayford for a period of time.
Calico prints were imported from India and became quite popular in Britain. They were in such demand that woollen manufacturers felt threatened and demanded protection for their products so laws 10