Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
The Garden of the Gulf: Prince Edward Island and its handsome and delightful capital Charlottetown : being pictures and description of the charms of city and seashore as summer resorts [1900]
Type: Book
Date: Unknown year in the decade of the 1900s
Publisher: Carter & Co., W. G. MacFarlane
Member of: Island Lives Collection
The Garden of the Gulf: Prince Edward Island and its handsome and delightful capital Charlottetown : being pictures and description of the charms of city and seashore as summer resorts
Type: Book
Date: Unknown year in the decade of the 1900s
Publisher: W. G. MacFarlane
Member of: Island Lives Collection
Summer provinces by the sea: a description of the vacation resources of Eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provines of Canada, in the territory served by the Canadian Government Railways:-Intercolonial Railway, Prince Edward Island Railway
Type: Book
Date: 1908 to 1918
Publisher: Intercolonial Railway, Prince Edward Island Railway
Member of: Island Lives Collection