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Island Lives
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Island Lives Collection - By Title
Displaying 301 - 400 of 492
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Minutes of the Board of Trustee Meetings of the Second or Upper Prince Street Methodist Church, Charlottetown, P. E. Island, 1875
Minutes of the Official Board of the United Church of Canada
Montague, the beautiful turns 90
More Georgetown stories: 1835-1982
Morell: its history
Murray Harbour community history
Murray Harbour North New Cemetery, records, 1928-1977
My father's Siberian odyssey
A naturalist's calendar for Prince Edward Island: being meteorological and botanical observations made in the period 1910-1937 ; and including a short list of the commoner insects
Naufrage and the Capes (1719-1900)
Ned Harris' letters from Mahone Bay, 1884-1889
The neighbourhood family run corner store experience
A new flora of Prince Edward Island
New Perth: link with the past, 1803-1995
no caviar in this Sturgeon
North St. Eleanors "The Lost Settlement"
Nothing trivial
Nuns of P.E.I
Official motor guide of Prince Edward Island
The old Cornwall and the new, 1799-1964
Old DeSable
Old Georgetown families (and some newer ones), 1832-1950
Old Saint John's & the village of St. Eleanor's, Prince Edward Island
The O'Learys Two
On duty and pride: No. 10 Bombing & Gunnery School, Mount Pleasant, Prince Edward Island
One woman's Charlottetown: diaries of Margaret Gray Lord 1863, 1867, 1890
Order of exercises at the laying of the cornerstone of the city building in the city of Charlottetown by the M.W. Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of the Province of Prince Edward Island, Friday, July 1st, A.D. 1887
Orwell Cove: past and present
Orwell: good days in Orwell, History of Orwell, P.E.I
Our people: Covehead, P.E.I.; the genealogies of the families of St. Eugene's Parish
Our West River heritage
Out of thin air
Over on the island
Pages from the past: Central Lot 16
Panmure Island, past and present: an historical scrapbook
Par un Dimanche au soir: Léah Maddix, chanteuse et conteuse Acadienne
The Parish of Charlotte and the Church of St. Paul's
The parish of Port Hill
Parish of Saint Charles Borromeo historical, biographical and various interesting notes
Paroisse acadienne de Rustico (I.P.E.) et la banque des fermiers: recueil de citations epistolaires du Père Georges Antoine Belcourt
The past is before us: collected readings from the first twenty-five years of the Belfast Historical Society newsletter "The recaller"
Past and present of Prince Edward Island: embracing a concise review of its early settlement, development and present conditions
Past and present: a history of Brae
Pathways to the present: a social history of Hamilton, Prince Edward Island
Perceptions des Acadiens de l'Ile du Prince Edouard
Peter's Road Presbyterian Church 100 years young
Photo historica: P.E.I--Tignish--Î.-P.-É, 1799-1999
Pioneer days & shanty ways
Pioneers on the Island. Part 1
Pioneers on the Island. Part 2
Place-names of Prince Edward Island with meanings
Places of historic interest: pen & ink images of heritage homes, streetscapes and churches in commemoration of 150 years of incorporation 1885-2005 ; originally commissioned by Mayor Clifford Lee, City of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Premier centenaire de la paroisse de Mont Carmel, Ile du Prince Edouard, le 20 Aout, 1912
The Presbyterian Church and union, 1925: Prince Edward Island's response to the call
Preserving the past, Volume II 1779-1979, 1997
Preserving the past: a history of Cascumpec-Fortune Cove 1779-1979
Pride of place: the story of the Rural Beautification Society of Prince Edward Island
Priests and bishops who served in the Diocese of Charlottetown, 1829-1996
Prince Edward Island as a summer resort: its facilities and attractions, where to stay how to get there
Prince Edward Island as a summer resort: where is is and how to get there
Prince Edward Island Calendar, 1851
Prince Edward Island Calendar, 1857: containing commercial, statistical, astronomical, departmental and general information
The Prince Edward Island Federation of Home and School associations: history, 1953-1973
Prince Edward Island illustrated
Prince Edward Island priests away
Prince Edward Island, photographs
Prince Edward Island: Canada's garden province
Prince Edward Island: East River heritage project for Hillsborough River Association
Prince Edward Island: garden province of Canada [1904]
Prince Edward Island: garden province of Canada, its history, interests and resources with information for tourists, etc [1899]
Prince Edward Island: information regarding its climate, soil, resources, suitability for summer visitors and tourists, etc., etc
Prince Edward Island: the England of Canada
Prince Edward Island: the garden of the Gulf [1903]
Prince Edward Island: the garden of the Gulf [1913]
The progress and prospects of Prince Edward Island written during the leisure of a visit in 1861: a sketch intended to supply information upon which enquiring emigrants may rely, and actual settlers adopt as the basis of a wider knowledge of their beautiful Island home
Pull: a century of clay target shooting on Prince Edward Island
Quelques souvenirs d'Abram-Village
Rand and the Micmacs
Rand's Micmac dictionary from phonographic word-lists
Real life super heroes: a history of the Knutsford Women's Institute, 1928-2020
Reflections on a parish, 1892-1991: Eglise Saint Jean Baptiste; Saint John the Baptist Church
Registre pour les baptèmes, mariages et sepultures des Isles St. Jean, Magdelaine, Miskou, Brion, La Ramée et autres isle du Golfe St-Laurent, 1719-1758
Registry of Deaths and Burials
Remember Yesterday; a history of North Tryon, PEI 1769-1992. Volume I
Remember Yesterday; a history of North Tryon, PEI 1769-1992. Volume II
Report of the town of Summerside for the fiscal year ----
Reports on selected buildings in Charlottetown, P.E.I
A review of Catholic Maritime institutions to mid 19th century
Roads to Summerside: the story of early Summerside and the surrounding area
A Roman Catholic census of Charlottetown 1878-1879
A Roman Catholic census of Charlottetown 1886
Roots & branches: a story of Bideford and surrounding communities
The Rustico phone book [1985]
The Rustico phone book [1999]
Rustico, Father Georges-Antoine Belcourt, the Farmers' Bank: a few historical notes
Rustico: une paroisse acadienne de L'Ile du Prince-Edouard
School of Music 1899-
Scrapbooks of the history of Alberton, 1921-1977
A second history of Alexandra: two hundred years
The Selkirk settlers and the church they built at Belfast
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